Saturday, March 03, 2012

It Is Not How The Left Reacted To The Breitbart Death, But Some On The Right That Is Annoying

It was a surreal Thursday morning as I was going around the internets and saw the red headline on the Drudge Report that Andrew Breitbart had died. Yeah, I thought that it was a really sick joke. Then Fox News Channel broke in with a patented "Fox News Alert" and confirmed the report.
Let be very clear about Mr. Breitbart.
He loved the fight. But more than that he really loved people. No matter where they were on the issues. He was a conservative true believer that said it was OK to actually fight back when the left made outrageous claims about conservatives. And that conservatives needed to also be on offense.
It was that offense that made Mr. Breitbart famous among conservatives and infamous among liberals.
After all, would Anthony Weiner still be in congress had it not been for the work of Mr. Breitbart? Or would ACORN still be a force on the left had Mr. Breitbart not brought the work of James O'Keefe to the surface?
But even someone like Mr. Breitbart could get it wrong every once in a while. In the case of former Agriculture department official Shirley Sherrod. He received a badly edited videtape that made it look that Miss Sherrod was a racist. Again, bad editing and not the best follow through made all look bad. Miss Sherrod lost her job and Mr. Breitbart had to do a lot of mea culpas.
But that one bad doe not take away from all that he did in the name of pursuing conservatism.
Except to one of the biggest douchebrains claiming to be a "conservative". And that would be the insufferable bore, David Frum.
It is no secret to many readers of this blog the contempt that has developed towards Mr. Frum.
But this piece by Mr. Frum in the equally insufferable The Daily Beast shows why his criticisms are much more annoying and tasteless than what the left can and a few did upon the news of Mr. Breitbart's death.
In this piece, it is obvious that Mr. Frum has no real knowledge of Mr. Breitbart by this:

The good was there. Breitbart was by all accounts generous with time and advice, a loving husband and father, and a loyal friend.

Seriously, when one starts off with something like that, two things come to mind. One, Mr. Frum never actually met or encountered Mr. Breitbart. And two, he really did not get what Mr. Breitbart was trying to do with the conservative movement and the Republican party.
Mr. Frum goes on to insult Mr. Breitbart, which he would not take as an insult, by saying he was fighting a new kind of culture war. And what Mr. Frum means by that is that he was, well doing what the left has done for, oh at least my 47 years on God's green earth. Mr. Breitbart was getting in their face. He was as I noted going on offense.
In other words, Mr. Breitbart was not being a good little boy like, well Mr. Frum. He was not tearing down conservatives and their ideas but giving them the platform to get that beyond the leftywhore media complex.
The laugh that Mr. Frum tries to elucidate is that Mr. Breitbart was not interested in the truth.
The whole point of Big Government, Big Hollywood, Big Peace was to get the truth about things out there that the leftywhore media covers-up, ignores or distorts.
Too bad that Mr. Frum has a bit o' shady history on the truth.
Let me remind you that it was Mr. Frum that coined the phrase "Axis of evil" in the speech then President George W. Bush gave to the nation in the 2002 State of the Union speech. It was the prelude to seeking congressional approval to seek to expand the War Against Islamofacist Terror in a new theatre. And that would be Iraq.
For the record, I believe that we did the right thing in expanding the theatre and changing regimes in Iraq. However, many and some conservatives always had qualms about that. And at the end, I totally believe that this is why Mr. Frum has decided to be a conservative basher. For he seeks not to promote conservatism but David Frum.
Within two paragraphs of this "obituary", Mr. Frum all but calls Mr. Breitbart a racist for his piece on Miss Sherrod. And "racially coded" rhetoric. And in the very next paragraph, maybe Mr. Frum felt he went too far, he said that nothing racial should really be read into some of the pieces that Mr. Breitbart had done.
Whiskey? Tango? Foxtrot? Really, Mr. Frum? You are kidding, right? You all but call the dude a racist and then pull an Emily Litella and say "Never mind!"
Again, what a douchebrain.
And while we all know that there were some tasteless comments about Mr. Breitbart's passing from the left, when someone that claims to speak for and about conservatism blasts the man as the body is not even cold shows what kind of man Mr. Frum is.
A man that I sure would not want to be in a foxhole with me. A sellout.
And BTW, what ever happened to the New Majority or then renamed Frum Forum? They have gone off in the night. And Andrew Breitbart's sites? They are alive and stronger than ever.
That is the real testament to a man. A good man like Andrew Breitbart. David Frum is alive, sort of, as the House "conservative" at a decidedly liberal website.
Enough said.

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