Sunday, November 20, 2011

More Lefty Media Misinformation

In yesterday's Left Angeles Times, a poll was released regarding Californians views of the so-called California Dream Act.
What is important is how this was relayed both in print at the local news rack and online.
The headline in the print edition, and the lead story, reads as follows verbatim:

DREAM Act has state voters divided
Nearly 80% of Latinos back government
aid for illegal immigrants at state
universities, versus 30% of whites.

Now for the headline online:

Survey finds ethnic divide among voters on DREAM Act
Among Latinos, 79% support government financial aid for illegal immigrants who attend state universities, compared with 30% of whites. And 49% of all respondents say UC and Cal State campuses are not very affordable or are unaffordable.

Now, what do you think is wrong with the headline?
Well, if you read the print edition, you would be led to believe that the poll itself is say maybe 50-50. If you read the headline only online, it defines an ethnic divide among voters.
Yet the real story is really buried in the article.
The fact is that among all voters, no matter ethnicity, only 40% of all polled support the California Dream Act. A number of 55% oppose the California Dream Act.
So, where is the division?
Seems to me that the majority of all polled oppose the act. The only group supporting it in any large numbers are Hispanics.
And Whites support/oppose it roughly about 30% to 70%. What I can not find is how the numbers broke down among other ethnic groups. Groups as Asian-Americans and Black Americans. It would seem that if we saw those numbers, while maybe not as negative as Whites, it would show that they do not support the act either. That is why you have a 40% for and 55% against split.
But the way that the Times portrays this as a battle between Whites and Hispanics. No doubt that the California DREAM Act is a boon to illegal aliens in the schools in California. It gives them a break at the expense of just as deserving, American-born Hispanics. These illegal aliens get to pay in-state tuition rather than the out-of-state that they should be paying. Actually, they should be paying what an international student would pay. Since they are not American citizens. And not citizens of the state of California.
And I wonder how many of the American born Hispanics, when they understand what this means for their potential family members, really do support the act?
But I fault a newspaper that should report the fact of the poll. That the majority of California registered voters oppose the California DREAM Act. That the underlying fact is that, again since I do not have access to other ethnic groups polled, only Hispanics seem to strongly favor the act.
But the Left Angeles Times seems to want to bury that real fact. No, they want to fan the flames of raaaaacism. That the eeeeevvvvviiilllll White people want to keep all the Hispanics down.
No, we do not. We want those who can to pursue higher education. And no, I don't want to throw those students here illegally out of the United States. They should just have to pay the higher cost.
And the real tragedy is that this is the Democrat party buying Hispanic votes. Nothing more, nothing less.
It is too bad that the Left Angeles Times used their poll for manipulation and not the facts.

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