Thursday, June 30, 2011

Confirmed. Republicans Are More Patriotic Than Democrats

At least according to this "study" from a den of academia, Harvard college.
The study claims that those who attend July 4th festivities tend to be Republicans. And if one is a yout, well that increases the chance they will be become Republicans. And worse for the Dems, more likely to vote in elections.
Amazingly, this is a 40 page report and uses, among other data, weather to come to its conclusions.
It is very exhaustive to say the least.
But one does not need to read all 40 pages to get this nugget that, I am afraid, is accurate:
Republicans attend Forth of July to a greater extent and also view the holiday as more important than Democrats (Gallup, 2002; AARP, 2006; Rassmussen Reports, 2009, 2010).
That is rather disturbing to say the least.
The polling data is but one of the criteria the study uses, but it is rather true the way that Democrats view such matters as patriotism in general.
A member of the city council, Mike Clark, sought to have the Pledge of Alliegence or flag salute at the beginning of every public meeting of the council.
Mr. Clark's reasoning seemed to be that the flag salute is unifying and would be something to show this liberal city's more conservative residents that their point of view is tollerated.
Well, poor Mr. Clark obviously does not realize how damn divisive the flag salute is!
According to the mayor of Eugene, Kitty Piercy, "If there's one thing the flag stands for its that people don't have to be compelled to say the Pledge of Alliegence or anything else."
OK, sure Kitty.
The problem is that the proposal was proposed to be voluntary in the first place.
Now, how about a bet that Kitty and her cohorts on the Eugene city council, George Brown and Betty Taylor are Democrats? Miss Taylor compared the flag salute to reading from the "Communitst Manifesto".
Again, sure Betty.
This is the same city council that wanted to go on record with its views on the War Against Islamofacsist Terror. Needless to say, they are against it.
Now I do not want to paint a broad picture that all Democrats are not patriotic. Way to many are. Many are serving in the armed forces. Many are our police, fire fighters, emergency personal. These are the rank and file.
But way too many of the Democrat leaders often times show their disdain for the very people that make this Great Land.
Take Sen. John Kerry.
In 2006, while campaigning for California Democrat gubenatorial candidate Phil Angelides, Sen Kerry had this to say:
"You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."
See, Sen. Kerry was saying, whether he likes to admit it or not, is that smart people do not join the armed forces. Only dummies do that. And that is beyond an elitist position. It is the way so many Democrats and the left really feel. I suppose that one can extend such dimwittedness to those that are police, fire fighters, emergency personal. You know, the very people that keep our way of life the way it is.
And speak with a young person that has attended or is attending college and or universtity. They are being taught basically that the United States is evil incarnate. It is any wonder anyone gets out with their brains still intact.
The fact is that there is a sad divide that maybe growing in the United States. The flag salute is now seen as a bad thing. Many Americans do not realize what it is that we are even celebrating on the Forth of July.
And it takes a study from Harvard to point out what many conservatives have been saying for years.

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