Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Beware Conservatives, Jon Huntsman, Jr. Is Officially In the GOP Prez Race

When I wrote this post, I did not realize this over at Real Clear Politics. Read the whole post and come back to this link.

Do not say that I have not warned you about the dangers of the candidacy of the former Utah governor, Jon Huntsman, Jr.
Today, Mr. Huntsman announced that he is seeking the Republican party nomination for president.
The Obamawhore media is swooning like crazy. They are orgasmic about the Huntsman candidacy.
And if you think that will warm the hearts of the Republican faithful, consider this from the Democrat senate majority leader, Harry Reid:

"If I had a choice, I would favor Huntsman over Romney."

Yes, Sen. Reid, like Messrs Huntsman and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney are Mormons.
But that is not the point.
The point is that the people who will tout Mr. Huntsman and his nice-nice campaign would turn on him faster than one's head would spin.
Ask the last Republican candidate that curried favor with the leftywhore media.
That would be Sen. John "F--- You" McCain.
As soon as he had the GOP nod in 2008, the media knifes turned right in his back.
And as if he had Stockholm Syndrome, he did not get that the people who he curried, the leftywhore media, had a new darling.
That was then Sen. Messiah Barack, the Democrat presidential nominee.
And while we are at it, let us note that while a lot of people will tout that Mr. Huntsman was a conservative in a conservative state, that is easy. The hard job is to be a conservative in Blue territory.
That is where two former governors have something on Mr. Huntsman.
Mr Romney and former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty were as conservative as their respective states could get. And both had to govern with huge Democrat majorities in both state legislatures.
Also, Mr. Huntsman is a real believer in Globaloney Warming. That totally disqualifies him in this conservatives mind.
But, Michael Medved asked a question that is very important regarding the whole Huntsman candidacy.
Why? What really makes him so different from the rest of the pack? How can he fire up a base that wants a fighter when said candidate shuns the “corrosive” nature of what is a primary fight? And if, God forbid, Mr. Huntsman were to be the Republican nominee, what would make his candidacy any different from that sage senator from Arizona?
In order, here are my answers.
Mr. Huntsman will try the "I am the best general election candidate" card. Not exactly inspiring.
Mr. Huntsman would have to do a Sen "F--- You" McCain type pick for VP to rally a base. But, not unlike the former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, that candidate would be a victim of a kind of campaign Mr. Huntsman has vowed to run.
And last but not least, maybe Mr. Huntsman could lose a few more states to the Dear Leader, President Obama. Because a dispirited base will not turn out for Mr. Huntsman. Not when his less than conservative record in Utah is exposed.
Hope of all hope is that Mr. Huntsman will simply fade away like another governor who thought he could be president.
Ever heard of President Pete Wilson?
Fellow conservatives, we must all unite on this. Jon Huntsman can not be anywhere near a serious contender for the Republican presidential nomination. If we want four more years of the Dear Leader, President Obama.

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