Saturday, March 12, 2011

Help The Victims Of The Massive Japanese Earthquake

Living here in California, better known as Earthquake Country, yesterday's 9.1 magnitude earthquake that hit Japan yesterday is a stark reminder of the power and fury of Mother Nature.
Although as of this posting, the government is stating the death toll at 686, there is no doubt that it will be very substantially higher. Hundred of thousands would be more like it. And if you take a look at this absolutely amazing video, that should tell you the depths of what happened.
What we need to remember is that there are many, many survivors. Many whose basic needs may not be met at this time.
That is where we come in.
There are many relief agencies that will do all they can to get basics to the people that will need it the most.
The following is but a short list for you to peruse and choose who you think will do the most good.

The Anglican Church of North America

The Episcopal Church

The Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod

The Roman Catholic Church (Catholic Charities)

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

The Salvation Army

American Red Cross

Islamic Red Crescent

Red Magen David Adom (Jewish)

World Vision

Of the religious groups, The Salvation Army has a long time standing in Japan. World Vision will also be a great resource. And this I always find interesting. That in time of disaster such as this, the religious relief groups get in and quickly and know what to do. But, if you want to donate to a non-sectarian group, there is always the Red Cross.
Let us all show the people of Japan that we are with them in this awful time. That we will do whatever it takes to help these people in a real time of trouble and crisis.

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