Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Two Good Pieces In The Corner

Today, actually tonight, glancing at The Corner at National Review Online, I came across two great posts.
The first is from Mike Poterma dealing with the former Alaska governor, Sarah Palin, and her electability.
I would like to take this from the post:

And check this out, a random example from the past, from Time magazine of March 22, 1976, well into that election year:

If the election was held today, Gerald Ford would handily defeat any of the major Democratic contenders.
In the
contest for his party’s nomination, Ford is preferred over Ronald Reagan by a 2-to-1 margin among Republican and independent voters. . . .
Ford would beat [Hubert] Humphrey decisively, 52% to 37%, with 11% undecided. This is a marked improvement for Ford over a TIME poll taken last January, when he led Humphrey, 46% to 40%, with 14% undecided.
Surprisingly, last week’s TIME survey finds that Ford would have a tougher time against Carter than against Humphrey. The President would beat the Georgian, 46% to 38%, with 16% undecided.

Um, remember who won that election in 1976? It was NOT the incumbent President Ford.
And what Mr. Poterma is stating is not whether Mrs. Palin can win, but should she win. And here and here is where Mr. Poterma makes some actual good, policy and persona points.
I recommend reading all the links.
Then there is this from Victor Davis Hanson on the plight of California's Central Valley. Hey, don't mock the title of the piece. It is not quite like the line John Edwards used in his failed presidential campaign of 2008. It is a serious look at what has happened to the bread basket of the United States.
One may think that the Davis Hanson piece is very negative, but read it all. It notes a slew of paradoxes and realities that should make every Californian mad and ready to really do something about the problems of what has happened in the Central Valley.
These are two thoughtful and I believe necessary reads in this time of American history.

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