Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Political Crack Whore Sucking The Lobbyist Teat

Wow! How could I miss this one?!
It appears that part of "Sen." Lisa Murkowski's (Loser-Alaska) strategy for holding on to the senate seat like the political crack whore she is will be to beg for cash.
From lobbyists!
And to show that she is now a bipartisan political crack whore, she is hitting up a heavyweight Democrat lobbyist for cash.
Heather Podesta is a major Democrat lobbyist.
And do you know who her brother-in-law is?
Well, if you said John Podesta, you win the prize!
And do you remember Mr. Podesta? He was once chief-of-staff to former President Bill Clinton. Now he heads the left-wing "think-tank", Center For American Progress.
Who says that bipartisanship is dead in Washington, D. C.?
Not when you tell your political party to go to hell. And that you decide that you just can not believe that voters may want a new face in the senate. And that maybe if your daddy had not appointed you to the job of senator, you would not get that taste of lobbyist teat.
For those on the left that want to point to this as part of the "civil war" within the Republican party, they are right.
We want those we elect to actually do what they say they will do when they come home and ask for our vote. You know, like cut the size of the federal government. To cut taxes. To restore a panoply of issues best left to the states rather than allow the federal government to continue to usurp those issues.
The Republican party will be better off without a political crack whore like "Sen." Murkowski as its face.
Remember, here is where we can help get her successor, Joe Miller, elected.
Because it is time for an intervention. It is time to get "Sen." Murkowski off the government and lobbyist teat.

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