Monday, April 19, 2010

The Dear Leader Being Heckled By Crazy Right Wingers In California

OOPS! I am sorry. The headline is a bit wrong.
The Dear Leader, President Obama was in California this evening. He was attending a fund-raiser for embattled California Sen. Ma'am Boxer. And he did speak. And he was heckled.
But it was not by some crazy right-wing infiltrators.
No, it was by gay rights activists upset with the Dear Leader, President Obama, for not overturning the "don't ask, don't tell" policy within the armed forces.
To these folks, the Dear Leader, President Obama is a real disappointment. He did not overturn the policy adopted in the Clinton years-boy do those look OK today!-that allowed homosexuals to serve in the armed forces without telling they were homosexuals. And they would not be asked.
Somehow, these people did not get the memo.
You know, the one about all the Dear Leader, President Obama's promises having an expiration date. OK, technically, this does not fall in the expiration date category. Yet. Since the administration is doing a year-long "study" about the effects of eliminating this compromise policy and letting open, active homosexuals serve in the armed forces.
Anyhow, I am glad that those right-wing crazies, er, left-wing crazies, did not make the Dear Leader look bad. I am sure he does fine on his own. Without any assist from his side.
And for a highilght, here is video, courtesy of HotAir.


Phoenixism said...

Those people are delusional.
Anyone who thought Obama was the Great Left Hope must have been smoking.

I've always believed the only way a black man could become President was to play the moderate card. There's no way Obama could have won the election running as a clear liberal. Personally I'd love a black Ralph Nader! :)

Righty64 said...

Black Ralph Nader?! What has happened to you? What, did you fall behind on the ol' credit card when you were married? Ralph Nader is a left-wing, anti-semite crank!