Saturday, March 27, 2010

It's Earth Hour Tonight-LIGHT EVERYTHING UP!

It appears that this Earth Hour event is now going to be an annual event on the Globaloney Warming cult calendar.
I will simply let you read the link from last year's 'celebration' of Earth Hour.
Remember, the magic hour to turn EVERY FREAKING THING ON IN YOUR HOME is 8:30pm.
What makes this more enjoyable this year is the fact the Globaloney Warming, aka "climate change" is not only being challenged but utterly discredited. For spreading outright lies. For panicking people. And for what I still submit is the real motive. More government control of the economy and people's lives.
Again, please do not fall for it. The way to counter the lies is to do what I will do.


Phoenixism said...

Aw c'mon Mark.
What's wrong with disobeying modern consumerist society for 1 night out of the year???

Righty64 said...

In and of itself, I would not care. But it is feeding into the Globaloney Warming cult. And it is as bad as Islamofacsism. Both are after our freedom!