Tuesday, February 02, 2010

What Happens When Canadians Will Not Be Able To Come To The U.S. For Heart Surgery?

It appears that this Canadian provincial premier, Danny Williams, needs to have heart surgery. No problem. Except that this guy is coming to the United States for the operation.
I do not begrudge Mr. Williams for coming to the States for the operation. It is a testament to the fact that such an operation can be had here in the United States.
But, if the Dear Leader, President Obama, does eventually get the so-called health care "reform" scam through congress, will people like Mr. Williams be able to come here to obtain operations not available in a land that has single-payer, socialized medicine?
Of course not!
It is an indictment of the Canadian system that anyone has to come to the United States for such operations. And one does not know if it is an operation offered in Mr. Williams home province of Newfoundland. Here is Deputy Premier Kathy Dunderdale:

"It was never an option offered to him to have this procedure done in this province." Or any where else in Canada.

So, how can anyone dispute that the United States, a great last hope for many a Canadian and many from other lands with socialized medicine? And if the eventuality of a single-payer system is implemented, what happens to that status?
It goes right down the toilet.
It is situations such as this that those of us opposed to the Dear Leader, President Obama's attempt to nationalize one-sixth of the American economy need to drive home. Yes, there are problems with health care delivery. But, what the Dear Leader, President Obama, is pushing will make it worse.
The Dear Leader, President Obama, is continuing to push for the so-called health care "reform" scam. It is like a cancer that one thinks is in remission. Then, POW! It metastasizes and once again, it is put in remission.
The so-called health care "reform" scam must be killed. As Sen.-elect Scott Brown (R-Mass.) has said, it is time to junk it and start over.
And we must highlight the fact that for all the problems of health care delivery in the United States, it is the place where the best and brightest doctors are able to provide operations that many nations can not.

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