Friday, January 29, 2010

Another Reason Of What Is Wrong With California

There are many reasons on what is wrong with California.
But this latest attempt to dictate people's freedoms is one for the books.
State Sen. Alan Lowenthal wants to dictate how cities and businesses offer parking. He wants more pay parking and wants to give "incentives" so that cities and businesses cut back on free parking.
The primary reason why?

"Free parking has significant social, economic and environmental costs," Lowenthal said. "It increases congestion and greenhouse gas emissions."

In other words, it is because free parking leads to Globaloney Warming!
There is no nice way to say this about Sen. Lowenthal, but what a moron!
Firstly, because public transportation sucks in the greater Los Angeles area, there is no way that people will put away their cars and take a bus or light rail to do what they need to do. Also, when Sen. Lowenthal talks about social costs, how about people that are in a lower economic situation. Does this idiot realize that making these people pay to park will have a deleterious effect on their finances?
This from State Sen Tom Harman says it all:

"If local governments want to entice people to shop or do business in a particular area, that is entirely their business. Not the state's."

Yes, indeed!
This is what happens, my friends, when you have the highest-paid, full-time state legislature in the United States. You get people coming up with ways to take away freedom and choice.
This is one of the many reasons why, God willing, the people of this state will be able to vote on restoring part-time status to the state legislature.
This proposal will be a direct hit on small businesses that need to make it easier for people to get to their locations. People are not going to take a bus or light rail. They may simply no longer patronize many businesses.
But, hey, this is all in the name of Globaloney Warming! Note that the Sierra Club and the Natural Resources Defense Council are the main backers of this moronic legislation.
Most disturbing is that this passed the state senate.
This is why we need to make our state legislature a part-time one and elect people who have common sense, not a bizarre agenda that smacks of usurping freedom in the name of a myth.
Oh, of course Sen. Lowenthal is a Democrat. Sen. Harman is a Republican.

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