Sunday, January 31, 2010

Americans Just Do Not Trust Big Government

This column by King Banaian over at is excellent in pointing out one of the fundamental reasons that the American people have turned against the so-called health care "reform" scam, led by the Dear Leader, President Obama, and his leftist minions.
The bottom line is that the United States came into being as mistrustful of the government. At all levels. For over 230 years, it has been a mostly peaceful mistrust of government. Currently, many people have an amazing cynicism over government. Many Americans simply think that it is a case of tweedle-twee and tweedle-dum.
Really it is not the case.
But that is another post.
King Banaian gives us the wisdom of a British political scientist, David Runciman:

But it is striking that the people who most dislike the whole idea of healthcare reform – the ones who think it is socialist, godless, a step on the road to a police state – are often the ones it seems designed to help.
In Texas, where barely two-thirds of the population have full health insurance and over a fifth of all children have no cover at all, opposition to the legislation is currently running at 87%.
Instead, to many of those who lose out under the existing system, reform still seems like the ultimate betrayal.
Why are so many American voters enraged by attempts to change a horribly inefficient system that leaves them with premiums they often cannot afford?

OK, the Godless part is way over the top. But it is obvious to people like Dr. Runciman do not understand the nature of the American people. That they do not like to be told what to do.
One of the most odious and under reported aspects of the so-called health care "reform" scam is the fine American companies and people will have to pay for not getting health insurance. What is promoted by those proposing such an approach to a more universal health care is that states make drivers get auto insurance. Never mind that many people do not need to and or drive. Only people that drive need to obtain the insurance. But, only the logic of those trying to make the American people have health insurance compares their approach to that of drivers forced to obtain auto insurance.
Thus, the Dear Leader, President Obama, claims that he has not explained enough about the so-called health care "reform" scam. The problem is that he has done so, ad nauseum. And the American people realize that they do not like it. Maybe in theory, it is a great goal. But the reality is that it does not work. The same British political scientist probably did not go into any detail about the shortcomings of the socialized medical system that is Britain.
This is the largest example of a government that may mean well, but at the end of the day increases the American people's mistrust of the government. Take this proposal that I posted on what the California state senate passed last week.
The broke state government will subsidize cities to increase pay parking over free parking. Thus the "logic" is that people will stop driving so dang much and take a bus. Or light rail. Read that post for why this is insanity.
What seems to amaze the left is that people that seek to preserve freedom over the promise of security. Whether it is about health care, smoking in public and private places, how and what to eat, yada, yada, yada.
But, as King Banaian points out, most of those that advocate a larger government do not really know the average people that they claim to care about. The worker, the businessman, the people that make America go.
So, the disconnect continues and will do so as long as there are people that crave freedom over the false promise of security.

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