Wednesday, September 09, 2009

California Assemblyman In A Sex Scandal-Get The Hell Out Now!

I do not know where to start with this one, but the California Republican assemblyman, Micheal Duval, is the stupidest member of the state assembly.
Mr. Duval decided to share his sexual encounters with a woman not his wife while a microphone was on. . .in the assembly room! Oh, and Mr. Duval can not just stop at one. No, no, he has had at least two. And with the first one, Mr. Duval shares how he has taken to spanking her.
And yes, Mr. Duval is married with children. At least for now.
I will write this and write it now.
Mr. Duval, please leave! RESIGN AND RESIGN NOW! You sir are a reprobate! You are disgusting and one with no shame!
I will write more on this later.

1 comment:

DoorHold said...

Are we gonna have to start chemically castrating politicians?