Wednesday, February 11, 2009


There are about four hours left, Alaska time, to wish their governor, Sarah Palin, a happy 45th birthday!
Oh, I know that there are some long faces in the conservative world because she will not be at the big CPAC confab at the end of this month.
But, that is because the state legislature is meeting at that time and after all, Gov. Palin was elected to be a governor. And she takes that job seriously. Not like a man elected to the senate and thought two years later, he would make a fairly good president.
I digress.
Some advice on the CPAC flak.
There is something called a satellite video hook up. Gov. Palin can deliver a speech by a video and even do so at a time of her choosing. It does not have to be like. It would help, but it is not necessary. And Jim Geraghty has some fairly good analysis as to why Gov. Palin is not going to be attending CPAC.
Believe me, it does not diminish my support for her one bit. There will be three more CPAC meetings before the 2012 election.
Anyway, Happy Birthday, Gov. Palin!
HT: The Other McCain @


Pasadena Closet Conservative said...

Happy Birthday, Sarah! We're celebrating your future successes!

Pat Jenkins said...

i don't know if you have noticed this 64 but she is hot!