Monday, February 16, 2009

The Food Police And The Latest Globaloney Warming Scam

It is really incredible the lengths that the Globaloney Warming crowd will go to keep laying out the myth of man being the only reason that earth is supposedly getting warmer.
Wait, I am sorry but it is not just man that is causing Globaloney Warming.
Another contributor are cows.
Sweet, lovable and delicious cows are another reason we are seeing the oceans rise and our fragile island home ready to explode in a spasmodic warming explosion.
According to Nathan Pelletier of Dalhousie University in Canada, part of the problem getting that sumptuous Fillet Mignon to one's plate is that beef is an inefficient food to produce. Another problem is that, to be blunt, cows fart so much methane that it floats up into the atmosphere.
Not to mention all that the cow eats and the manure that they produce and well, hell that might be at least a 10 degree increase in Globaloney Warming from just a cow fart alone.
So, what does Professor Pelletier and those of his ilk want to do about it?
Why, switch to having salad more often, of course. And every now and then, have a poor, helpless chicken to somehow replace the taste of a delicious hamburger from a place like In 'N Out burger.
Do not get me wrong.
I do like salad and I enjoy chicken as well.
But, do not take away my hot dog, hamburger, pot roast, Porterhouse steak!!!!!
Yet, these Globaloney Warming alarmists are trying to change the eating habits of people.
Take this from Chris Weber a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania:

"Food is of particular importance to a consumer's impact because it's a daily choice that is, at least in theory, easy to change. You make your choice every day about what to eat, but once you have a house and a car you're locked into that for a while. Switching to no red meat and no dairy products is the equivalent of (cutting out) 8,100 miles driven in a car ... that gets 25 miles to the gallon," Weber said

Oh, I forgot to mention that dreaded dairy is also a problem for the Globaloney Warming alarmists.
The problem for the Globaloney Warming alarmist crowd is that it appears that they will make stuff up like this as a way to force people how to eat. And, take away another right of people to eat food that they want.
There is no viable proof about any of these findings. It is the work of a few scientists and so far has not stood up to scholary review and test.
But, that will not stop these people from scaring a lot of people into giving up eating red meat. For no reason but to salve their fragile conscious that they are doing something, anything, to save the planet.
Sorry to be very, very cynical, but I just do not think that cutting back of eating red meat or dairy products is going to make all that much difference. And, again, one does not know that cutting back is going to affect Globaloney Warming if there is such a thing, one way or the other. Even Dr. Weber agrees with that assessment.
Now, there are legitimate and proven health concerns about eating red meat in excess. But, to blame that on Globaloney Warming is a stretch of all stretches.
Go ahead, enjoy that burger. That hot dog. That delicious New York cut of beef steak.
Enjoy before the food police take it away.

HT: Mark Levin @

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe it was farts that killed the dinosaurs?

Yet another example that global warming (they changed the name to side-step the critics. but I refuse to go along) is just an excuse to control your life.

Next up: nicotine, caffeine and sugar cause global warming.