Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The Economic Catastrophe Is The Obama/Democrat So-Called Economic "Stimulus"

In what has to take the cake of hyperbole, President Obama is now telling the American people, and by extension, the world, that we are in the midst of an economic catastrophe. And if the so-called economic "stimulus" plan is not passed by congress, we will be at the point of no return.
It is pure, unadulterated gar-bage!
But, add that hyperbole to the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi and her inane assertion that 500,000,000 American jobs are being lost every month to this "economic catastrophe". Now, since there are only 320,000,000 Americans, I do not know where our esteemed Speaker gets her figures.
As the television pitcher says in the middle of a television infomercial, but wait, there's more!
In regards to the original bank "bailout/rescue" that was passed in the waning days of the Bush administration, President Obama is now going to tell those that get the cash from the feds that top executives can only make $500,000 a year. This is in response to the audacity of financial services companies that went hat in hand to the federal government and then went ahead and paid top executives their annual bonuses. Now, there is no doubt that it appears that there is some tone-deafness on the part of these executives, but that does not warrant the federal government to determine the salaries and other compensation that executives make.
What this is all about is to make a deep recession more of a crisis and an attempt by an activist, left-wing administration to grab more power from the private sector. And some are mindlessly going along with that.
And the so-called economic "stimulus" bill snaking it's way through congress is like an Anaconda, swallowing more and more of the private sector every day.
There is precious little in the bill that would actually stimulate the economy. Sure, there is a lot to payoff Democrat constituencies, but precious little that will grow the economy and create jobs. Real jobs that people earn money and yes, pay taxes.
Rather than crying uncle, President Obama, Speaker Pelosi and the Senate Majority Leader, Clueless Harry Reid, should actually get Republicans involved in the process and maybe get some real tax cuts. The approach that Speaker Pelosi and Senate Leader Reid have taken is the "We won" and Republicans should just go along.
It does not help when the President himself joins in the extremism calling a recession a catastrophe.
The real catastrophe is the potential that this $1,000,000,000,000 bill will get through congress and nothing of that will help the economy get back on track.


Anonymous said...

Though mostly a Republican voter, I am no Obama basher and I think he has some good ideas. As my president, I certainly hope he does. But this particular stimulus plan is not one of them. AT. All.

Anonymous said...

It's not been made clear to me where this trillion dollars is supposed to come from. Anybody know?

Even if you confiscated every last lick of income from the "rich" could you come up with a trillion dollars?

Even if every other country on the Earth weren't having their own "catastrophe" at the moment, would they, could they, "give" us a trillion dollars?

OK, we can print it, but ... what's a word to describe something that's worse than a "catastrophe?"

Rightwingsnarkle said...

Oy. Do you even know what you're talking about?

My bet is on the answer being a firm and resounding, "No." I think you know less about economics than you do about history, and you don't know squat about history.

But it sounds like you know where to tune in to Rush every day.

Cut taxes? Let the unseen hand of the markets rule? Give big bonuses to execs who've presided over massive failure?

Hmmm...have we seen that approach before? How's that all worked out?

Stupidity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.

We had an election last year. Your side and its views were soundly repudiated. You got your ass kicked and your neck stepped on. Now get over it, or go sit in the corner and be quiet.

And if you don't think that we've entered into an economic crisis, you're either hard-hearted, inattentive, or living in a bubble.

Righty64 said...

"We had an election last year. Your side and its views were soundly repudiated. You got your ass kicked and your neck stepped on. Now get over it, or go sit in the corner and be quiet."

LOL! LOL! LOL! I am certain that you did the same when the American people rejected the eight years of Bill Clinton when George W. Bush was elected in 2000. Right? And, since you are the history know-it-all here, don't go down the "Bush stole the election" route. Mr. Bush won the MAJORITY of ELECTORAL votes, thus the election. And yes, we are in an economic DOWNTURN, not a "catastrophe". It is the kind of solutions that will either lead to sensible policies or make the economy worse. Oh, and you do not have to believe me, Snarkle Troll. Take a look at the latest Gallup poll on the issue. No one forces you to come here, remember that!

Rightwingsnarkle said...

No one forces you to come here, remember that!

Which has nothing to do with anything, though you do seem to think it gives you an out when you're confronted with information and opinions that make you uncomfortable.

when George W. Bush was elected...

Quit living in the past. Those days are done. That idiot is gone, though he's left quite a mess for others to clean up - the story of his life.

And yes, we are in an economic DOWNTURN, not a "catastrophe".

Well, maybe this is how it looks to a fat, drug-addicted, sex tourist with a daily radio show, and to his brain-dead listeners, but for most Americans, " has already become clear that this recession is more serious than other economic downturns of the recent past."

Take a look at the latest Gallup poll on the issue.

Do you mean this one? "Fifty-two percent of Americans interviewed Wednesday night are in favor of Congress passing a roughly $800 billion economic stimulus package; 38% are opposed."

Of course, simple polling on a complex subject is always fraught with danger. Even so, " least three out of four Americans want their government to do something to strengthen the economy."

Wingnut = fish

Wingnut blog = barrel

3 minutes with Google = the smoking gun

(BTW, when are you going to man up and turn off comment moderation? It's been months since crybaby Ray cried.)

Righty64 said...

Snarkle, you are pathetic! You can not answer simple questions. Conveniently, you dismiss my point about President Bush as the past. Yet that is what OBAMA ran against! And sure, you cite the Gallup poll as far as the fact that Americans want to pass something, but do you note that the majority want TAX CUTS? NOOOOO! And as far as doing something-here is what YOU do not understand-the government can DO SOMETHING and make the situation worse. And, that is exactly what President Obama and the Democrats will do. As far as comment moderatation. MY BLOG, MY RULES! Again, you don't like it, stay away!

Rightwingsnarkle said...

Pretty testy, eh dude?

Bark! Bark!

friedmsw said...

Is it getting hot in here?!