Wednesday, February 18, 2009

California GOP Senators Grow A Spine

In the ongoing budget drama here in the not-so Golden State of California, state senate Republicans ousted their leader, Sen. Dave Cogdill, who was negotiating to raise taxes and "cut" the state budget to offset a $42,000,000,000 deficit.
The state senate GOP elected Sen. Dennis Holligsworth to be the new leader. Sen. Hollingsworth is a tax payer friend as he has consistently opposed the scam being pushed by "Republican" Gov. Benedict Arnold Schwarzenegger and state legislative Democrats.
Here are some nuggets from last night's senate session:

"We need to stop treating the taxpayers across California like a personal ATM," Sen. Tony Strickland (R-Thousand Oaks) said from the Senate floor, hands pounding the air to drive home his point.

"This is a balanced package," countered Sen. Denise Moreno Ducheny (D-San Diego), fixing her gaze on the Republicans across the aisle. "It asks everybody to pay a little bit more in a variety of ways."

"This budget is not fair and balanced," scoffed Sen. Jeff Denham (R-Atwater).
(A little plug for Fox News Channel?)

But, the catalyst for the senate Republicans to replace their leader came from radical Democrat Sen. Mark Leno from-where else-San Francisco:

"You ought to follow your leader or choose a new one."

Hey, thanks for the advice, Sen. Leno.
It is amazing that a radical Democrat state senator had more wisdom than the Republican caucus to get a new leader in the negotiation process to promote more government spending cuts and tax cuts that will help grow the state economy, not the state government.
It is time for the "Republican" governor and legislative Democrats to get off their high horse and start to address the real problem.
That is the state government is too large to begin with and total reform is what is needed to get out of this mess.
The current "cut", tax and borrow approach is what keeps getting California in these messes to begin with.
Maybe now with a new Republican leader in the state senate, serious negotiations can begin.
And having a person in the negotiations who has been a tax payer friend in Sen. Holligsworth is showing that the California Republicans are looking out for the tax payers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've always wondered, WHAT budget cuts? Where can you cut that won't cause someone pain, somewhere?

For example, I think the Federal goverment can get out of the "Arts" business. We need art, sure, I'll go along with that, but should the Federal government be paying for it when we're all facing a "catastrophe?"

But you just TRY and and make significant cuts in that portion of the budget. Just try.

What would YOU axe in the California state budget?