Sunday, September 14, 2008

Wanna Drive Oprah Crazy?!

Since the diva of daytime talk, Oprah Wimpfrey, has decided that she will not have Alaska governor Sarah Palin on her afternoon gabfest, a lot of people from all political backgrounds have questioned her "reasoning" for not having the hottest politician in both parties on her television show.
Here is a petition that one can sign that will go to Miss Wimpfrey to ask her to have Gov. Palin on her show.
Now, I am honest here. I do not watch her television show because I am at work at the time her show is on here in California. But, many people do watch her show and would be interested in knowing more about this vice-presidential candidate. And, to be fair, she should have Sen. Blowhard Joe Biden and Sen. John "F--- You" McCain.
Yes, Miss Wimpfrey is a Sen. Messiah Barack supporter and that is OK in my book. I have no problem for Gov. Palin to go into clear hostile territory. At least Gov. Palin will know it. But again, Miss Wimpfrey says that she will have no candidates on and yet has had the candidate that she supports, Sen. Messiah Barack, on not once but twice.
So, Miss Wimpfrey can have all the candidates on, be hostile with them if she wants, and expose her viewers to all points of view on her show. But, Miss Wimpfrey chooses not to. And it hurts her credibility with a lot of Americans.
So, sign the petition and maybe drive Oprah crazy. It just might change her mind!


Rightwingsnarkle said...

This is manufactured outrage.

The McP.O.W. campaign is not about to let Miss Alaska out of the box. The risks are just too high.

Miss Alaska can't even handle softballs from Charlie Gibson.

You're backing a rank amateur. She's a high school second-stringer, and this is major league baseball.

Anonymous said...

I must have missed her "My Muslim Faith" moment.