Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Send In Sarah

While Republican presidential nominee, Sen. John "F--- You" McCain is trying to get a handle and help solve the financial meltdown problem, his opponent, Democrat Sen. Messiah Barack, wants to have a debate as if there is nothing happening.
Fine, lets have that debate.
And I believe that Sen. "F--- You" McCain should also say that he will send in his vice-presidential nominee, Gov. Sarah Palin, to debate the Messiah.
Gov. Palin is fresh off meetings with leaders of key nations. And, the debate is on foreign policy after all.
Since Sen. Messiah Barack is essentially saying that this financial crisis can wait until after the election, it is clear that he is not taking it seriously. So, why should Sen. "F--- You" McCain take the debate seriously?
On one thing I may agree with Sen. Messiah Barack. That a president does have to multitask. However, when there is a dark cloud over the financial sector that could lead to a meltdown, it would behoove the Democrat nominee to show leadership.
Once again, Sen. Messiah Barack did not.
Thus, I see nothing wrong with sending in the Saracuda to face off against Messiah Barack.
I wonder if he would get on that plane to Washington if he knew he had to face the Saracuda? I say lets find out.


Rightwingsnarkle said...

Gov. Palin is fresh off meetings with leaders of key nations.

Now that's a good one.

You're not serious, are you?

Jeez, I think you're actually serious.

Do you mean these speed dating sessions?

Righty64 said...

Yes, I am serious! I mean, I'll take Saracuda on a bad day over Sen. Blowhard Biden. He is kind of like you. Not letting facts get in the way. Like the explanation that FDR went on television during the crash of '29. Too bad the president was Hoover and there was NO television yet! Yea, I think Saracuda can take on the Messiah. Actually, I can not wait until the VP debate.

Rightwingsnarkle said...

I'll take Saracuda on a bad day over Sen. Blowhard Biden

I understand your position, but we're not talking about sex here.

Miss Alaska couldn't even hold her own against Katie Curic. I mean, really, Katie Freaking Curic?!?

That's like having a 6th grader take it downtown on you in a game of one-on-one.

Sorry, but all I see is a campaign that's completely fallen off the tracks - prominent people 'disappear' (PHil Gramm, Carly Fiorina, Rick Davis); folks leaving in mid-speech after seeing their latest political celebrity (come for Miss Alaska, walk out on McP.O.W.); and now they're trying to weasel out of not none, but two debates.

John McCain's starting to sound like a farmer with terminal cancer who's trying to borrow money on net year's crop.

But keep telling yourself whatever you need to, my friend, if it help protect your self esteem for even just another day.

Righty64 said...

Oh come now! Mr. Snarkle, you know damn well what I mean about Sen. Blowhard Biden. You can face the fact that when your guy, Sen. Messiah Barack made the first big decision, he blinked and picked the worst guy to be his vice-president. And this is the best foreign policy "expert" the Dems have? This guy does not know the difference of being forced down by BAD WEATHER rather than "fighting" along the Afghan-Pakistan border. Yeah, I will take the Saracuda over Biden. IN A POLITICAL SENSE!

Rightwingsnarkle said...

I will take the Saracuda over Biden. IN A POLITICAL SENSE!

Pardon my skepticism, but I still don't buy it.

It's perfectly fine to lust in your heart. It's only human.

That's what celebrities do - they tug on folks' base instincts.

Like most wingnut guys, you've just got a bad case of VPILF for Bible Spice.

But thoughts and fantasies are just that - thoughts and fantasies.

You don't act on them all, and I certainly don't expect you to.

But really, in a purely objective and fact-based sense, this lady is waaay out of her depth. I'm embarrassed for her.

But she deserves every bit of the humiliation she's getting, since she actually seems to think that she can pull this off.

Massive, massive FAIL.