Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Obama Meltdown Continues

For the Team Obama, it just keeps getting worse and worse. Classier and Classier. More Hollywood sycophants crawling over glass to announce their displeasure over the Republican vice-presidential nominee, the Saracuda, Alaska governor Sarah Palin.

Here is one from Roger Ebert, well known political analyst, er movie critic.

And how can you be her age and never have gone to Europe? ... Sarah Palin's travel record is that of a hopeless provincial. ... Palin is a shallow, chirpy person with those vaguely alarming eyeglasses. Now her fans all want a pair. Remember back when women wore glasses that departed their ears in plastic swoops and swirls? My theory is, anyone who wears glasses that look weird is telling me something I don't want to know. I trust the American people will see through Palin's facade, and save the Republic in November. The most damning indictment against her is that she considered herself a good choice to be a heartbeat away. That shows bad judgment

Well, I am 44 years old and I have never been to Europe. I guess I am one of those hopeless provincials. Alarming eyeglasses? And, did Gov. Saracuda actually say that she was a good choice to be a heartbeat away from the presidency?

Ah, but it does not end there.

Political know-it-all Matt Damon compared the possibility of a President Saracuda to a bad Disney movie. Well, I do not know if Matt Dimwit has been in a bad Disney movie, but maybe he had a few knocks too many to the head in the Bourne Identity movies.

Really folks, it just keeps getting better and better.

This Carol Fowler, the chairman of the South Carolina Democrat party really steps into the doo-doo by saying the only reason that Gov. Saracuda is Sen. John "F--- You" McCain's running mate is because she has not had an abortion. On so many levels, it is disgusting. Oh, a quick question for Mrs. Fowler. Was Geraldine Ferraro put on the Walter Mondale ticket in 1984 because she had an abortion? But, the Fowler apple does not fall far from the tree. Her husband is Don Fowler, former Democrat National Chairman. He made the comment the weekend before the Republican National Convention that Hurricane Gustav was a sign from God that it would ruin the Republican confab.

And, because I just can not go on anymore, last but not least is an appearance from the Chosen One himself, Sen. Messiah Barack on the David Letterman show. I think that it would be the last place I would appear if I were Sen. Messiah Barack, but the guy just can not dig himself out of the hole with the infamous lipstick on a pig slam on Gov. Saracuda.

The baffling aspect of all of this is the fact that it seems to be centered around the Republican vice-presidential candidate. Not even at Sen. "F--- You" McCain, the Republican presidential nominee. The fear that the Democrats have over Gov. Saracuda is palpable. It shows that this is not a party and Sen. Messiah Barack are not ready to lead from the White House or congress.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess you HAVE to campaign against Bush and Palin if you want the Obamessiah to beat McCain.

Really, cheap shots about her choice of glasses? Her "provincialism?" (How's that for yet another elitist statement?)

And another Hollyweird celebrity chimes in with a dig at ... Disney?

Obamania has sure taken a turn, huh?