Sunday, September 28, 2008

The McCain Mistake In The Palin Rollout

I am very impressed National Review's Byron York and the analysis he has on why the McCain campaign blew it in giving the Dinosaur, Drive-By, Mainstream, Obama-Worshiping, Media the initial access to running mate, Alaska governor Sarah Palin.
What Mr. York pointed out is what I am hearing on a source he says Gov. Palin should have been on, talk radio. That Gov. Palin should have been giving the initial interviews and press time to the likes of Laura Ingraham, Hugh Hewitt, Dennis Prager, Michael Medved, Glen Beck, and the Majarushie himself.
To be fair, in between the Gotcha interview with ABC's Chucky Gibson and CBS has-been Katie Couric, Gov. Palin was interviewed by Fox News Channel and radio talker Sean Hannity.
But, read the following and I think it is a devastating indictment of one of the problems with the McCain campaign:

Of course the campaign press corps would have complained, but they would also probably have been forced to use snippets from Palin's talk-radio interviews, which means that what Palin said in a friendly atmosphere would ultimately make its way to an even wider audience, one that includes independents and undecided voters.

Of course Mr. York is spot on. The DDBMSOWM would have howled and used everything that Gov. Palin would have said on any of the shows that I wrote.
But, it goes to the heart of the McCain campaign still trying to revive the vibe of the old days of the Straight Poop Express. You know, the bull sessions with those DDBMSM types. Trying to curry their favor. Oh, and it worked so well when Sen. John "F--- You" McCain won the Republican party nomination and The New York Times began the whispering campaign that Sen. "F--- You" McCain was having an affair with a female lobbyist. Which of course was not true, but it was certainly put out there as fact.
There is a time and place to have a relationship with the DDBMSOWM. But, now the Team McCain should get it clear, is not the time. The DDBMSOWM is gunning for you Sen. "F--- You" McCain. And they want to knock Gov. Palin off first before they really go for the jugular.
And, it is not too late to take up the strategy of putting Gov. Palin in more favorable settings such as those mentioned above. Also, she should be having conference calls with conservative bloggers as well. And, Mr York also said the same thing I wrote in a post last week that it would be good for Gov. Palin to go on local talk radio and media in general.
I am not certain that Team McCain will let Gov. Palin do this before Thursday's debate with the Democrat vice-presidential nominee, Sen. Blowhard Joe Biden. But, I think that it would really help. There is only so much debate prep one can do.
This Byron York analysis is something that Team McCain needs to read-yesterday-and utilize it ASAP!


Anonymous said...

There is no way around the media. They will color real or pasted together interviews to their liking and they don't like McCain or Palin. So what! We have a lot of real Americans that do like these people and will vote for them in November. That is what counts. Thank God we have talk radio to give us the truth about what is behind the headlines.

Balancing the Media said...

wow! i agree with everything you stand for

Rightwingsnarkle said...

Y'know, I'd also like to see Mad Jack and his crew take you and Byron up on that suggestion.

Put Miss Alaska in front of/alongside wingnut whackjobs with microphones and computers. Make her feel comfortable and at home, able to just let it all hang out and say what's really on her mind.

Unscripted and from the hip.

That plan would guarantee an absolute tsunami of wingnut whackjob gibberish and half-baked ideas from the lady who hasn't spent very much time at all beyond the confines of her inbred village and remote, isolated state.

I mean, if you think Miss Alaska's favorable/unfavorable ratings are in the toilet now, just imagine the balance after folks heard her, unfettered and unfiltered.

They'd likely match Mr. Bush's 28/62 (a net negative 34, for those keeping score at home).

Yup, that's how you win elections, my friend.

Please, do it, and do it quickly. There's just no time to waste.

Pat Jenkins said...

too bad we don't have a media used for oversight against our media!!! i tend to diasgree though 64 because no matter what she says her words are going to be "parsed", so i say take the message to whoever and however some may listen!!!

Anonymous said...

Wasn't it Obama who refused to make an appearance at a particular venue because of perceived bias? I don't see why we don't cut the MSM off at the nuts, skip 'em entirely.

Oh, they'll howl, but anyone who relies on them for the news is already fooling themselves and are likely in the tank for anything the MSM says (see: snark). So what's to lose, really?