Friday, September 26, 2008

McCain 1 - Obama 0

Tonight after hours of suspense whether or not there would be a presidential debate, it went off without a hitch and with a strong effort, Sen. John "F--- You" McCain clearly won overall against Sen. Messiah Barack Obama.
Now, I want to be fair to Sen. Messiah Barack.
The first half of the debate were questions about the current financial services crisis and the economy overall.
While I so disagree with the prescriptions of Sen. Messiah Barack, he framed the issue better than Sen. "F--- You" McCain and while I found Sen. "F--- You" McCain in surprising command of the issue at hand, I would would give Sen. Messiah Barack a slight edge. Essentially, one could say that part of the debate was a draw, but if I had to give one an edge to get out of a room, I would grudgingly give it to Sen. Messiah Barack.
But once the debate turned to foreign policy, well, it brought out the ugly in Sen. Messiah Barack.
Many times in the debate, Sen. "F--- You" McCain said these words:

I'm afraid Senator Obama doesn't understand .

Now, Professor "F--- You" McCain had to point this out many times to student Messiah Barack in regard to foreign policy.
Especially in regards to the war in the Iraq theatre.
When asked by debate moderator Jim Lehrer the lessons of Iraq, student Messiah Barack went to his back pocket and pulled out the boilerplate answer that excites the anti-war Democrat base.
OBAMA: Well, this is an area where Senator McCain and I have a fundamental difference because I think the first question is whether we should have gone into the war in the first place.
Professor "F--- You" McCain had to remind the pupil this:
MCCAIN: The next president of the United States is not going to have to address the issue as to whether we went into Iraq or not. The next president of the United States is going to have to decide how we leave, when we leave, and what we leave behind. That's the decision of the next president of the United States.
Game, set and match.
While Sen. Messiah Barack wants to play, "But I told you so! We should have never been there in the first place!", Sen. "F--- You" McCain reminds him that we are there now, that is not the debate. It is how to keep the peace and to leave a nation democratic and an ally of the United States.
For Sen. Messiah Barack, it appears that he almost was a non-entity in the debate. Because as many times as Sen. "F--- You" McCain had to utter the not understanding line, Sen. Messiah Barack said this a bit more than once:

Senator McCain is absolutely right

Hmm, huh, well, I do not think that is the way to score points. Rarely, if ever, did Sen. "F--- You" McCain say that about Sen. Messiah Barack.
Now, I think that it is important to read the transcript of the debate over at Real Clear Politics as you will get a real sense of the way the debate questions were asked and one really good thing is that the candidates got to give beyond the 60 second sound bite. Which is why some analysts may not think either candidate scored the knockout punch. But, clearly Sen. "F--- You" McCain was on his A-game and Sen. Messiah Barack did not go to the "Huh" well much-a minor victory for the teleprompter-king.
Now, I watched the debate among fellow Republicans at the Pasadena Republican Club and it was on Fox News Channel. There was a split screen the whole time it was necessary. It was there that the small, condescending Sen. Messiah Barack came through. Very uncouth to say the least. There were a lot of eye-rolls. Forced smlies. Shouts of "That's not true" or trying to talk over Sen. "F--- You" McCain in a rude manner. That may work in the political gutter of Chicago Democrat politics, but when one wants to be elected president of the United States, it does not come off all that well.
Over at the Weekly Standard, there was a debate scorecard round-by-round and it is pretty fair in giving Sen. "F--- You" McCain a 7-1 advantage.
Now, this was to show that Sen. Messiah Barack could handle his own with Sen. "F--- You" McCain when it came to foreign affairs. Sen. Messiah Barack did not come off well on that at all.
So, I think Sen. "F--- You" McCain had a very strong debate and clearly won.
Sen. Messiah Barack looked a wee bit out of his element, but there were not any major fiascoes. I suppose that is a minor victory in itself for the junior senator from Illinois.


Anonymous said...

I watched the debate from beginning to the end on channel 28. Jim Leher was a good moderator. I felt that when ever a new idea was introduced it came from McCain. Obama picked up on it and ran with it. It is as if Obama needed to be prompted before he could speak on a topic. He did not come up to the plate to initiate anything new in the conversation. He got his "Q" from either Jim Leher or McCain. Why is that? well because his experience is coming from his people not from experience. He is speaking from memory not the knowledge of being there, experiencing a problem. It seems like everything he is doing is for the first time. That has to be expected considering his experience. When you consider Sarah Palin's interview with Katie Curic, no one pulled off the boxing gloves this evening. Jim Leher, was only trying to get topics answered, which he a harder time to get Obama to stay on track and stick to the point. Both candidates were civil to one another. We'll how the next one goes. I don't think many minds were changed this evening.

Anonymous said...


I was linked here from a posting about the LA McCain sign.

If you really did here a school employee talking about taking down McCain signs, or anyone elses signs, you should contact the Principal of the school and perhaps afterward the police department. Her actions are a disrespect to her community and her school. If you don't help hold her accountable perhaps no one else will.



Rightwingsnarkle said...

So, for this debate that you watched - which universe was it held in?

McP.O.W. got creamed in the one held in this universe.

Bob said...

I still believe there is a moral majority that will come through in the end to bite the libs square in the butt! I hear too much on radio of the disgust for the libs that I think the traditional American is fed up with the outright disgust that the congress has toward them. I predict that come November we will all speak and do the right thing. God Bless this great country! Bob

Z said...

I hope Bob is right!

Justin is right...turn that employee in!
I remember when LA public schools were giving extra credit to young kids to walk against the war, against the kids' president. Isn't that precious!? NOT

Ray's right...many minds were no changed.

I thought obama did better than most Conservatives. But I'm less charitable toward Lehrer; It was hard to see EVERY single point McCain made defended by Obama when mcCain didn't really get that same accomodation. There wasn't a time Obama had to eat s*** ... that isn't fair. SOmetimes, you just can't be the last one to talk on the subject. Obama got to..every time.

thanks for coming by Righty! I miss you, glad for the reminder ..your blog's terrific!