Saturday, August 30, 2008

Stay Classy Dems In The Face Of A Potential Disaster

It really is amazing how pathetic the far-left in the United States has become that they will praise God that a hurricane may fall once again in New Orleans and that it will affect the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Led by the fat pig propagandist, Michael Moore, he really believes that God is behind this potential disaster. Because it may have some effect on whether or not a political convention will go on or not.
Not to be outdone, a current South Carolina Democrat congressman, John Spratt and Democrat
National Committee Chairman, Don Fowler, groused on how wonderful it would be if Hurricane Gustav continues its course and slams on the gulf coast. In their sick, demented minds, of course once again in New Orleans. Of course in their sick and demented minds, this can only help the Democrats for once again they will say that any disaster will be the fault of President Bush.
Let us go back three years to the Hurricane Katrina disaster.
It was the blatant incompetence of the New Orleans mayor, Ray Nagin, and the then governor of Louisiana, Kathleen Blanco. Oh, both are Democrats. The mayor for not getting people out of New Orleans on a slew of available school buses. The governor for not accepting federal assistance offered by the eeevvviiiilllll President Bush before the hurricane hit the gulf coast.
But no matter.
Mayor Nagin, who amazingly was reelected after his incompetence, did his best Alfred E. Neumann, "What? Me Worry?!" As did then governor Blanco. They twisted and turned and blamed President Bush for not acting fast enough to offer federal assistance. Again, President Bush offered it before the hurricane hit landfall. Again, no matter.
While people were out and out lying about how terrible things had become in New Orleans, especially in the battered Louisiana Superdome and the New Orleans convention center, it just led people to believe all the stories of rape, murder and mayhem. Which we later found out did not happen. Once again, no matter. The narrative was set and, by golly, it was all President Bush's fault. And, the narrative stuck.
The real story that Hurricane Katrina exposed is that the corrupt politics of New Orleans led to make a situation worse than it had to be. The tragedy of the people of the Lower Ninth Ward is that they have been stuck in poverty because the city government has done nothing to make their lives better by making it possible to own their own homes. To protect the citizens so businesses would be attracted there and bring all boats up.
But, that is all the fault of one President George W. Bush, by golly!
Well, for the doom and glee Democrat crowd, one thing that happened as a direct result of the Hurricane and subsequent incompetence was that the good people of Louisiana elected a new governor. One Bobby Jindal. A Republican.
And, as this post is being typed, he is taking charge and making sure that there are no problems. Gov. Jindal is making sure that New Orleans has all that it needs in the way of transportation and the like to make sure that all that want or can are taken out of the potential path of destruction. Something former Gov. Blanco should have done better and especially Mayor Nagin.
Now that you have the history of what really happened because of Hurricane Katrina, know this about the current state of affairs in the Democrat party. They can only succeed when there are bad things that happen and they can somehow blame the Republicans. The fat pig propagandist, the congressman and the Democrat National Committee chairman just are honest. Remember that in November if one is really thinking of giving these sick, demented people any more power than they already have.


Rightwingsnarkle said...

Glad to know Bobby J's got the situation firmly in hand.

And both John McCain and Sarah Palin are headed down to help.

And George Bush is staying home on Monday.

I'm truly inspired and comforted.

Righty64 said...

And Sen. Messiah Barack will "heal the planet" too! Yes, as a matter of fact I DO feel better when competent Republicans are in charge. Do you not remember who the governor of Louisiana was during Katrina? Although I DO wonder about the people of New Orleans who REELECTED quite possibly the worst mayor in the United States, Ray Nagin, a Democrat.

Ron Simpson said...

sad thing is the looney left all agree with this jackass.