Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Rev. Mike Huckabee, Shut The Hell Up!

God Bless the former Arkansas governor, the Rev. Mike Huckabee. I mean, he can not hide his contempt for the former Massachusetts governor, Mitt Romney.
Now, the Rev. Mike has the nerve to say that Mr. Romney should have just ignored the Massachusetts supreme court decision that legalized same-sex marriage. In other words, the Rev. Mike is essentially saying that Mr. Romney should have done a George Wallace.
For those too young to remember, the Democrat former governor of Alabama, George Wallace, was an ardent segregationist. When he was ordered to desegregate the University of Alabama, he did not. He stood at the door shouting "Segregation Now, Segregation Forever!" Of course, and rightfully, it did not last forever.
This insidious feud that the Rev. Mike is trying to start with Mr. Romney goes back to the primary campaign. It is clear that the Rev. Mike is insanely jealous of the fact that Mr. Romney made a lot of money in the private sector. And, he is a religious bigot because he does not like the fact that Mr. Romney is a practicing Mormon. The Rev. Mike and his minions run around saying quite inflammatory things about Mormons and their religion.
It is bizarre because we are fighting a war against those that want to forcibly impose their version of Islam on the rest of the world. Yet, we have the Rev. Mike inciting a reaction when he "sheepishly" asks, of all people, a New York Times reporter if it is true that Mormons believe that Jesus Christ and Lucifer were brothers.
I have written many times that I am not a Mormon and have no intention of becoming one. Yet, someone like Mr. Romney agrees with my position on the "social" issues I believe in. And, I thought that he would make a great president. Still do. I want Sen. John "F--- You" McCain to choose him for the second spot on the GOP ticket.
But, for some reason, the Rev. Mike keeps shooting it down. He brings up tired, old objections.
So, let us examine the fact that when the Rev. Mike was governor of Arkansas, he had a chance to "ignore" court rulings that he did not like.
The Arkansas supreme court ordered that certain taxes be raised to pay for road improvements. There were apparently other rulings that "forced" the Gov. Rev. Mike to raise taxes. If he is one that believes in low or no taxes, why did he not ignore the court rulings? Because, when one examines the record of Gov. Rev. Mike, he really did not care all that much. And, get this, he said that the courts "forced" him to raise taxes.
Yet, this ignoramus says that Mr. Romney should have just gave the Massachusetts supreme court the middle finger?
What he leaves out is that Mr. Romney disagreed with the court decision and did all he could to try to get an initiative on the Massachusetts state ballot to have the people decide on the issue. And, why does not the same Rev. Mike have criticism of California governor, Benedict Arnold Schwarzenegger, for saying he would implement the same decision that was forced on here in the not so Golden State?
Sorry, Rev. Mike, but it is time to just shut the hell up on Mitt Romney and Mormons. You will get no where with the majority of Republicans and minimize yourself within the party. Please, just slither off the stage.


Anonymous said...

This is a message for Mr. Mark J. Goluskin. "In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." -George Orwell

If you support Bush, and Neo-Con mouthpieces like Michelle Malkin (whom Alex Jones so righteously called out), then you need to go back and learn about the "Laws of Evidence". You know, how to prove a THEORY(Offical 9/11 account)is FACT (E=MC2).Tragically blind fool.

Anonymous said...

I do not know what the above comment has to do with a post on Mike Huckabee. Is he a 9/11 truther person? Please, explain.

Nikki said...

Hey righty, great post! Of course I am a Mormon and a Romney supporter, not because he is Mormon but because he is a great leader! This is such a great piece and I appreciate for personal reasons and agree with it for practical reasons. Mike Huckabee is also a liar. In 1996 there was a mass exodus of baptists on Salt Lake City, I lived there. The baptists were going door to door to convince Mormons of the errors of their ways. There was an on going convention at the Salt Palace and guess who one of the Key not speakers was...you guessed it Mike Suckabee! His topic Mormonism, and its myths. This was all over the local news during the primary and of course not nationally. He makes me sick. Great JOB! :)N

Anonymous said...

I don't get the whole "Omigod he's a Mormon" thing, how can we NOT be past all that?

It's not as if there's a lack of criticizm for every other religion on Earth, they all have their idiosyncrasies (or worse).