Tuesday, August 05, 2008

New Poll

OK, there is plenty of time to participate in the latest attempt at an unscientific poll on Right View From The Left Coast.
Will the Republicans gain or lose seats in the House of Representatives?
I think that if they can articulate the fact that under the Democrats, led by the Luddite speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, they have done nothing to speak of, and that they got the message of the 2006 mid-term election results, there may be a surprise come election night.
A lot of things have to happen for the Republicans to gain seats in this election climate, but remember that the vast majority of the then DDBMSM did not see the Republican landslide of 1994 coming.
Stranger things have happened.


Pat Jenkins said...

let us pray the dems mindset of inevitability comes back to haunt them 64!!

Nikki said...

I agree, stranger things have happened and nobody is happy with congress right now. 9% is staff members and family members of those in congress! haha I say it could happen. :)N

Anonymous said...

Sadly, I think BDS will prevent any major Republican gains. For that reason alone I regret Bush's "nicey-nice" attitude toward his foes (though at the time that attitude became apparent, I supported it). He may sleep better in retirement because he didn't resort to dirty politics, but we will all pay a price for it.

Anonymous said...

Forgot: We don't have ANY leaders that can pull off a 1994-like upset. Even influential groups (such as the NRA) won't, I believe, be able to overcome rampant BDS.

Kevin said...

It's hard to keep and gain seats when there are no coat-tails to ride on this year. Like it or not, Obama is more likely to bring democrats to Washington with him than McCain is to bring conservatives.

Righty64 said...

Kevin, I would have agreed with you a month ago. But, look at the House Republicans. They are slamming the Democrats and speaker Pelosi over no vote on offshore drilling. I want to see ANWR in that as well, but will settle for offshore drilling. They are finding their way. Another point. The GOP took control of the congress in a non-presidential year, 1994. Sometimes it is the timing of issues that matter. And the arrogance of the current Democrat majority in the House. I think it will be interesting.

Kevin said...

Good points, but if the GOP holds seats, or even gains a couple, it won't be because of McCain.

Righty64 said...

On this we agree, Kevin. It will be because the members of the House got a backbone and realized that one, they do not like being in the minority and two, they are beginning to listen to the people.