Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Note To Fellow Evangelicals-Get Used To Mitt Romney!

Again, we have a story in the Washington Times about some evangelicals ranting that they will not vote for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Sen. John "F--- You" McCain if he asks former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney to be his vice-presidential choice.
I recently wrote of this phenomenon http://rightviewfromtheleftcoast.blogspot.com/2008/07/do-some-evangelicals-really-want-sen.html and ask the question again. Do evangelicals really want Sen. Messiah Barack to be the president of the United States?
There seems to be no other reason that these evangelicals have saved their gun powder for Mitt Romney. Somehow, some must really think that Mr. Romney would use a governmental position to spread the Gospel of Joe Smith. Yet, the bluer-than-blue people of Massachusetts seemed to not fear his Mormonism. He won the governor's race with 51% of the vote. And, as I have noted before, there was no significant spike in new Mormons during Mr. Romney's turn in office.
Matt Lewis at Townhall.com http://www.townhall.com/blog/g/ca9503d0-1ffc-4686-932a-56a99d3c852d gives a little background and, correctly, points out that this is an old story that was big in April of this year. I am with Mr. Lewis. I suspect that it is the last gasp of the Rev. Mike Huckabee supporters to force him on the ticket with Sen. "F--- You" McCain.
It ain't gonna happen! If Sen. "F--- You" McCain wants to hand the election to Sen. Messiah Barack, then put the Rev. Mike on as number two. It will be 1964 all over again, carrying only the solid south.
And, here is something to note. Mr. Romney will do more to pursue to aims of evangelical Christians as vice-president than Sen. "F--- You" McCain will do as president. And, I have no problem with that. In faith, we do not agree. In politics, we are in strong agreement.
So, once again my fellow evangelicals, please put away the theology and understand that there is no evangelical in the race. Certainly not Sen. "F--- You" McCain, lapsed Episcopalian and worshiping in a Baptist church in Phoenix. Not the Christian charlatan, Sen. Messiah Barack. And, if the rumor mill is even close and Sen. Messiah Barack picks Virginia governor Tim Kaine for his number two, a modernist Roman Catholic. So, we can only influence if we are politically friendly with those who will promote common interests.
Buck up, and back Mitt Romney for vice-president.


Nikki said...

here here righty! well said my friend...:)N

Pat Jenkins said...

there may be civil war amongst the evangelicals 64 with a romney nod. just why mccain may pick him to tick them off!!

Ron Simpson said...

Pat, there will be a massive internal war if McCain buckles to the Evangelicals on this. The Evangelicals are not the whole party. They need to get over themselves and realize that here in America we have the guarantee of the freedom of religion. That guarantee should matter in the political affiliation field as well as in the church. Because if the Evangelicals want to destroy the party unity (what little there is right now) by attacking Romney then there will be a "f--- you" backlash against them. Aren't the Evangelicals having enough problems without pissing off the non-Evangelical conservatives THAT NORMALLY SUPPORT EVANGELICAL ISSUES?!?!?!
Start F-ing with my man Romney in this way and that is whay you will get from me. Some serious opposition to YOUR issues.