Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Do Some Evangelicals Really Want Sen. Messiah Barack To Be The Next President?

Long title, but to the point. I have been reading many sites over the last 48 hours as it appears that Republican presumptive presidential nominee, Sen. John "F--- You" McCain is zeroing in on the second spot on the ticket. And some, particularly those who claim to be evangelical Christians are stirring up the "We hate Mormon" pot by a lot of pointless criticism of former Massachusetts governor, Mitt Romney.
Since almost all political animals and analysts are saying that Mr. Romney is on Sen. "F--- You" McCain's short list, why do these people keep bashing Mr. Romney and his religion?
Is is that they really would rather see a Christian charlatan, Sen. Messiah Barack, as the next president?
I am afraid some of these people cannot see the forest through the trees.
I am here to help guide my friends in the evangelical community to not just supporting Sen "F--- You" McCain but, hopefully, the Vice-Presidential nominee, Mitt Romney.
Firstly, we are not electing the theologian-in-chief. We are electing a president. He will be the leader of the United States for the next four years.
Now, that out of the way, let me remind those who seem to think that the end of the Republic is on the horizon if Mr. Romney is anywhere near the White House.
Mr. Romney is with us on the social issues that are near and dear to our hearts. Unfortunately, we did not get to see the full throat of that until the swan song at this year's CPAC conference in Washington. And yes, Mr. Romney was not always with us on these issues. But, and this is the key to Christian faith, it is about changing hearts and minds. In the case of abortion, stem-cell research, same-sex marriage, the basic degenerating of the culture, Mr. Romney will be a strong, conservative advocate as Vice-President.
A second point is that many of these evangelicals were supporters of the former Arkansas governor, the Rev. Mike Huckabee. And we saw the good that he did at winning the Republican presidential nomination. Talk about a divisive candidate. The Rev. Mike reminded Christians that he was one of us. Constantly. And, that made many a Christian feel good. Outside of the social issues, the Rev. Mike is exactly what conservative activist Richard Vigurie called him, a Christian Socialist. And, the leading Republican apologist for the former Sen. Messiah Barack pastor, the "Rev" Jeremiah Wright. And, on the critical issue of the day, the defeat of Islamofacist terrorists and their patrons, the Rev. Mike made Sen. Messiah Barack look like an expert. A failed candidacy.
Third, and very importantly, this assault on Mr. Romney fuels the left's hatred of committed, conservative, evangelical Christians. You look intolerant. You are judging Mr. Romney because he belongs to a church, a version of Christianity that is different, and not seeing the big picture. An ally and friend, not an enemy. It makes you look defensive. Being a committed Christian is not about being defensive. It is about always being on offense. If there is opportunity, a committed Christian needs to take advantage of it. Hey, if you think that Mr. Romney being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is wrong, engage as a brother to another brother. Do not judge in such un-Christian ways.
This election is too important to have theological disputes and phony issues clog people's thought process. We see that Sen. Messiah Barack is on the world tour. He is trying for one photo op after the other. Yet, we have way too many people not wanting Sen. "F--- You" McCain to pick the right candidate for Vice-President. That would be Mitt Romney.
So, my question is this, fellow Christians and evangelicals.
Do you want four years of Sen. Messiah Barack, a man who claims to be a committed Christian yet belonged to a church for 20 years that preached racism and hate, as president of the United States? If you do not vote for Sen. "F--- You" McCain because he asks Mitt Romney to be his Vice-Presidential candidate, that is exactly what will happen. As a Christian and evangelical, I can not let that happen.


Nikki said...

RIGHT ON RIGHTY! Thank you for writing this! As a Mormon I appreciate your honesty and common sense approach to this issue! I am headlining this piece on my blog if you don't mind...well said! :)N

Righty64 said...

Not at all. I just hope that Sen. McCain has the good sense to pick Mitt. He will bring a much-needed kick in the rear of the campaign. It needs one!

Pat Jenkins said...

great post is right 64. the idea that mormonism can be more of "satan", than a man who is acting as though he is a savior for mankind is a bit puzzling.... by the way what is up with your boy carson palmer callin' out the buckeyes.. the poor guy may have a long season ahead of him no matter how he does on the field!!!

Kevin said...

I wish we could vote separately for President and Vice President. You know, mix and match...

Ron Simpson said...

I think Romney would have been a better President that McCain. I was a Romney man and I still am. ROMNEY IN '12!
That being said, I tire of the Evangelicals and their limited view. I cannot stand one issue voters on any side of the political spectrum. You are right, too many Evangelicals are alienating the rest of the conservative base with their efforts to sideline solid conservative Republicans because said Republican does not agree with their ideology.
In America we have freedom of religion. We believe it is a God given right. It is enshrined in our Constitution. Romney (and any other person) has the right to their beliefs and need to be left alone.