Monday, July 07, 2008

American's In Rebel's Corner

Remember Rebel, the cute puppy featured in a post card by the Tayside, Scotland police
He was taken down in protest by an Islamic town councilor who objected because, well you know, it is an eeeeviiiiiillllll act to treat dogs good. For the Koran says dogs are evil. And, having a cute puppy dog that will be a police dog offends Islamics.
The article I link is a column by John O'Sullivan and he hits it right on the head what hath multiculturalism wrought. Or in this case, not wanting to be accused of Islamophobia hath wrought.
I would like to pose this question to our friends across the pond.
Where is the British and Scottish outrage over a singular town councilor telling a police department how to do its job?
And it leads to other questions.
When will the frightened, political correct, cowering British left come to realize, that unless you join the radical Islamics outright, their insidious demands will never stop?
And, where is the Conservative party "leader", David Cameron on this and similar matters?
What Britain needs is another Margaret Thatcher. One who realizes who the enemy is. Not the British people, but radical, Islamofacists. And, one who will not kow-tow to ridiculous demands.
Oh, and this comes on the heels of a potential new proposal by the Association of Police Chiefs to have bomb sniffer dogs wear "booties" where Islamics object because, you know, dogs are eeeviiiilll and unclean, according to the pedophile prophet, Mohammad, and the Koran.
Wake up, Britain! Soon, radical Islamic will not just object, but kill your dogs. What will you do then?


Anonymous said...

Hi Mark. Appreciate your comment at New England Republican, as always. I'm a recovering Anglophile - spent lots of time in Britain over 30 years until, by 1995, the shabbiness, street crime, vulgarity and obsessions with historical flummery made Bangkok seem more appealing.

The origins of the British mess go back many years. Orwell, except for his fatuous socialism, was a great observer of the intellectual and moral diseases that led to their near total decline today. Malcolm Muggeridge's great book "The Thirties" caps the subject so neatly, one would think it was written today.

Add in the statism of the EU, and the Euro inclination to complete relativism and multiculturalism, and you know the end is near. Fjordman had it right. When the end comes, it will be violent and horrifying.


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness radicalislams aren't pulling that shite in the U.S.A. Someone would respond by creating a postcard with a characature of Mohammed in place of the puppy. I'm no artist, but I can imagine what that would look like.