Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Left Angeles Time Hit Piece On Cindy McCain

In today's Left Angeles Times, er LOS Angeles Times for the uninitiated, and on the front page is a lovely hit piece on Cindy McCain, wife of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Sen. John "F--- You" McCain.
The thrust of the hit piece,0,1163725.story?page=1 is that because Mrs. McCain is the chairman of Hensley & Co, a large beer wholesaler, it may cloud the judgement of a President "F--- You" McCain on matters relating to the federal government's role in alcohol control.
So, what is wrong with Mrs. McCain being the chairwoman of a major corporation in Arizona?
Well, firstly it is about the lobbying that the company does to other senators and congressmen and local elected representatives in the Arizona legislature.
You know, to the left there is something evil about corporations lobbying to have the government legislate, or not, in their favor. If the size of government was not so Amazonian to begin with, there would be little need for lobbyists to begin with. That is another issue to post about at a latter date.
And what is the lobbying about?
One is fighting the proposal to disclose alcohol content in adult beverages* of all kinds. This is being pushed by Mothers Against Drunk Driving or MADD.
I for one do not have a dog in that fight. I do not see the harm in disclosure but I do see the government butting into a private business decision not to and that is something I am naturally against. The best way to get disclosure done is by people at the grass roots taking action. Not the government and or the courts.
The juicy part about the hit piece is that fact that Mrs. McCain is involved in an alcohol wholesaler to begin with. The reason? All those pesky religious voters who do not consume adult beverages*. Note these four paragraphs, roughly in the middle of the hit piece:
Public disapproval

Indeed, apart from its potential to create a conflict of interest, the mere ownership of the beer distributor could turn off some social conservatives and those who object to alcohol use.

About a third of Americans abstain from alcohol, and half either abstain or consume less than a drink a month, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

For some, abstinence -- and a disdain for the industry -- is religion-based. Leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention, which has more than 16 million members, expressed "total opposition to the manufacturing, advertising, distributing and consuming of alcoholic beverages" in the church's most recent resolution on the matter.

"I am sure for some individual Southern Baptists, [the McCain family's involvement in the beer business] would be a concern," said Roger S. Oldham, vice president of Southern Baptist Convention relations.

I guess that there are going to be some voters that will not vote for the senator on this information, but that is going to be far and few in between. And, of course it is the obligatory blame those damn Southern Baptists theme! Those killjoys!
For the record, I do not consume adult beverages* and have not in 16 years. But, I am not Carrie Nation about it either to those that do consume adult beverages*. The fact that Mrs. McCain does head an alcohol wholesale company does not make any difference as to whether or not I will vote for Sen. "F--- You" McCain for president.
So, after showing Mrs. McCain in a bitter death match with MADD and irritating those Southern Baptists, it is not until about two-thirds into the hit piece that we are treated to the relevance of Mrs. McCain's leadership of a private company and the potential conflict of interest with Sen. "F--- You" McCain.
It is not until that part of the article that one realizes, hmm, what does Sen. "F--- You" McCain do when these issues come up? Well, he smartly recuses himself and thus avoids any conflict between his role as a senator and Mrs. McCain's as chairwoman of Hensley & Co.
But, what about if Sen. "F--- You" McCain does become president?
The obvious is at the very end of the hit piece.
That Mrs. McCain put her stake in the company, about 68% in a blind trust until a President McCain is out of office.
So, what is the point of this "article"?
I think it is clear. That Hensley & Co. engages in lobbying-bad. That Hensley & Co. is against alcohol content disclosure in beer-bad. That Hensley & Co. fights all the typical left-wing "consumer" groups-bad. And that no matter what, as senator or president, John "F--- You" McCain is screwed.
But, he is not and the real story should be how Mrs. McCain is indeed a successful businesswoman. But, she is a Republican and that does not fit into the liberal-left world of the DDBMSM.
I am afraid that we can look forward to these hit pieces on Cindy McCain. She will not be off limits to the DDBMSM like Sen. Messiah Barack has ordered the DDBMSM to "lay off" his wife, Michelle Obama.
Can you say "double standard"?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:... the real story should be how Mrs. McCain is indeed a successful businesswoman. ..."

What? That she's an e-e-e-vil Capitalist? That WAS their story.

Now, if she were a successful lawyer or community activist ... naw, they'd still find a way to rake her over the coals. She is, after all, the wife of an e-e-e-vil Republican!