Thursday, May 01, 2008

Those Classy Democrats!

Anyone who has read this blog knows that Sen. John "F--- You" McCain was not exactly my first choice for the Republican nomination for president. But, he is our presumptive nominee and I will vote for him because I do not think the United States can have four years of Sen. Barack.
That being said, this is a disgusting thing for anyone to ask any serious, and even not so serious presidential candidate Trackback URL.
Now, I write Sen. "F--- You" McCain because of his very public insulting of Texas Republican Senator John Cornyn because he dared to ask Sen. McCain any questions about the ill-fated "comprehensive immigration reform" bill-scam. I will not replay the story. It is out there and no one denies that was said.
But, for a Baptist minister not only to ask such a disgusting question and use the most vulgar word for the vagina that I know of shows the level of discourse our friends on the left will stoop to.
Note, same lefties claim that all the "Rev." Wright discourse is taking away from discussing the "real", i.e., Democrat, issues. Yet, this ignoramus asks whether or not Sen. McCain called his wife, Cindy, a c---. Now, that is a real issue.
And, I give credit that Sen. McCain did not go into the audience at the town hall and smack this fool.
I really, truly dread the next six months.


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