Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sen. Kennedy Has A Brain Tumor

It appears that we now know why Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass) suffered a seizure over this past weekend as he has been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-kennedy21-2008may21,0,4973997.story.
Say what we will about the erstwhile Solon, and he has driven us conservatives crazy over the many years he has served in the senate, but he has been a very successful senator and a true believing liberal.
The only one on the Republican side to match his commitment and knowledge of the senate was the former North Carolina Senator Jesse Helms.
So, we should say a prayer for Sen. Kennedy and hope that he comes back to the senate soon-so he can drive us crazy and for us conservatives to try and find a way to beat him back.

1 comment:

Rick Frea said...

He's definitely a fighter.