Sunday, May 11, 2008

And, Lebanon On The Road To Renewed Civil War

It appears that Lebanon, as noted before the weekend, is now nearing a complete collapse and an new civil war. And, with the help of the client terror thugs Hezbollah, Syria will use it as a pretext to re-enter the tragic land and impose its rule as it did throughout much of the '90s.
It is an awful event to watch because of the inaction of the West, led by the United States, a situation will occur that will give Islamic terrorists a tangible victory and the certain takeover of Lebanon by radical elements.
Do not be fooled. Even though there are many Sunni Muslims, a still large Christian community, a small Druze community, they do not have the organizational skills and termidity of Hezbollah.
The West, led by the United States, needs to take serious action to prevent this situation from spinning out of control. The fate of Israel's survival, and that of the West may very well depend on what action we take now.

read more digg story

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