Monday, March 24, 2008

More Telling Evidence Sen. Barack Is Nothing But A Garden Variety Socialist

Today, radio talker Hugh Hewitt, devoted his show to the fact that Sen. Barack Obama not only did the audio reading for his tome "Dreams Of My Father" but unedited. And due to the unediting, many a profanity made way to the abridged audio version of the tome.
Now, Mr. Hewitt thinks that this is another demerit along with the "Rev." Jeremiah Wright and the infamous Trinity United Church of Christ. You, it is unbecoming of a future president to read aloud how he talked in a lifetime ago.
I do not want to focus on that.
On one of the five soundbites, Sen. Barack talks about his entry to college. The disturbing line that stuck out was this.
When I entered college, I had to choose my friends carefully. I did not want to be seen as a sellout.
Firstly, who when entering college would think about such a thing? I mean, most people want to be assured that they will have A friend, let alone what "kind" of friend.
As the soundbite went on, Sen. Barack admits that he finds the most malcontent people he could associate with. You know the type. The socialist malcontents. Punk rockers, avant-garde types, 'politically active blacks', Chicanos, Marxist professors.
So, Sen. Barack, or was he known as Barry then, went for the worst of the worst in college life?
It is very telling on two fronts.
One, that this line of thought is not that of a "regular" person. One does not put that kind of thought into how they are going to have the college experience. As noted earlier, going to college is so different from high school. One can be the "big man (or gal) on campus" and be lost in the crowd in college. The thought most people have is are they going to have any friends at all. Not what kind of people they will hang with.
Then there is the calculating fact of those he "hanged" with. Why would someone who had aspirations at a serious political career, even becoming president someday, want to associate with those that are the worst of the worst in the college experience? To learn. To learn.
Being with these malcontents gave Sen. Barack meaning to his world view. It made what he had been thinking more than likely inside more alive. He went from being a mixed-race young man to one seeking his black identity.
There is a reason that he went to Chicago, became a "community organizer", code for left-wing agitator, joined a decidedly "black", no "African" church and moved up the political ladder in the Chicago Democrat party machinery.
The reality is that Sen. Barack, a man who was a "post racial" candidate, used his black identity to throw his white grandmother, one who he wrote in the tome that was nothing but sweet to him, under the bus by saying she used racial slurs and expressed fear about black men walking by her on the street. And, he stuck by his racist minister, expressing feigned shock and chagrin when confronted with some of his greatest hits, er sermons.
The fact is that Sen. Barack is nothing more than a garden variety socialist who has never let anything get in his way to attain power. Why, I am not sure he is really that much different from his opponent, Sen. Hillary Clinton. Maybe he has learned a little from the best.
Why would he put so much effort to chose the type of friends he would have in college? Only Sen. Barack knows.

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