Thursday, March 06, 2008

Could The Jerusalem Slaughter Happen Here?

Tonight the State Of Israel is in a state of shock as an Arab Israeli opened fire in a Jewish Rabbinical seminary in the heart of Jerusalem. Eight were killed and four were injured before an armed civilian killed the gunman,,
The question is, can it and the rocket attacks that strike southern Israel from the Hamas-dominated Gaza Strip happen here?
You betcha! And do not think that it would be limited to Jewish seminaries.
Liken what happened today to an ardent Protestant who went to a Roman Catholic seminary in Washington, D. C. with the murder of as many Roman Catholics as possible. Or, vice-versa. Or a Jewish gunman who went to an Islamic seminary with the mission to take out as many Islamics as possible.
Before any one thinks, "It could never happen here." one better realize this. That it is the way that the majority of Israelis live every single day. There is nowhere safe when a brutal attack takes place in the capital deep in the heart of Israel.
The open hostility to rabbinical students should be proof positive that the Arabs, and by extension the radical Islamics, do not just hate the existence of the State Of Israel, but the Jewish religion itself.
The hatred of Judaism in the Arab world is rampant. In Egypt, an Arab nation that has diplomatic relations with Israel, official state television presented a whole mini-series based on the "Protocol Of The Elders Of Zion", the Czarist Russian hit piece book that claimed a massive Jewish conspiracy to take over the world. The "Protocols" has long been discredited, but is taken as gospel in the Arab world. And among many, probably a large majority of Islamics and anti-Semitic Christians, many in the Mainline Protestant denominations that have sided with radical "Palestinians" and Islamics.
Jews in Arab and or Islamic-dominated nations live in fear and religious persecution. Now, with this brutal attack, they live in fear in their own homeland.
Yes, this can happen here and more than likely it will, God forbid. And it may happen sooner than we want to think as we continue to battle and defeat the radical Islamics and al-Queda.
But, we can not cut, run, and hide in the United States thinking that nothing will happen to us. I believe that 9/11 proved that to be wrong.
This is a stark reminder of the stakes in the upcoming presidential election. We know what Sen. John "F--- You" McCain would do and what Sens. Hillary Clinton and St. Barack Obama would do, or in their case not do.
All should pray for those who died and those that are injured. And let this not weaken Israel's or the United States' resolve in finding and taking out those who want this madness to continue.
If you should go to any of the websites that I linked, be prepared for some of the most gruesome photos you will see. I forgot that disclaimer in the beginning of this post.

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