Monday, February 04, 2008

Tomorrow, We Decide

In just a few hours, almost half of the United States will be voting in Democrat and Republican primaries in the largest phase of the campaign season. More than likely, nothing will be decided on either side.
A side note.
Even a probable strong showing by Mitt Romney will be downplayed by the DDBMSM. They are already trying to downplay the importance of California, the largest state in the nation and the top prize for both the Romney campaign and that of Democrat Barack Obama. But, we will know if the momentum is going Romney's way.
And, that is the point of this post.
Do not let the early results from New York, Connecticut or New Jersey get you down. They are strong McCain states that gained strength from the departure of Rudy Giuliani.
There are a lot more states in play.
There is Georgia, Missouri, Minnesota, and the big kahuna, California.
I urge all of you in any Super Duper Tuesday state to get out and vote. And take someone with you. It is time for those of us who believe in conservatism, the way that the Great Man, Ronald Wilson Reagan, showed us how it is done. Because of persuasion and not platitudes, a candidate has realized that the Great Man was right about a lot of things.
That man is Mitt Romney.
Yes, he could have run as a liberal Republican. But he is not. While he was moderate in many ways, as governor of Massachusetts, he governed as conservative as one could in one of the most Democrat-dominated states in the United States.
When confronted with two very critical social issues, the "legalization" of same-sex marriage and the push for state-funding of stem-cell research, Mr. Romney came out against both. He fought the Massachusetts legislature to let the voters decide the fate of same-sex "marriage" and although unsuccessful, he made it a top priority. He vetoed the funding of stem-cell research.
And, he came around to become pro-life. And that is not pandering because as noted here many times, it is tougher to come on our side than to cave in and become pro-abortion.
And, he did not raise taxes and balanced the budget four years in a row and left office with a "rainy day" fund.
Unlike another governor running, the Rev. Mike Huckabee of Arkansas, he worked with that same Democrat-dominated Massachusetts legislature to have every citizen in Massachusetts access to health insurance. It may not be perfect, but he is the only candidate on either side to say that he did that.
It is very easy for a sitting senator to say he is pro-life and to vote on it, it is another to have to make a decision on it, with regards to stem-cell research.
It is very easy to tout the success of the surge in American troops in the Iraq theatre in the War Against Islamofacsist Terror. But, he was not in charge of any aspect of implementing the policy. And, it is easy to trash a former defense secretary as said sitting senator has done.
Mitt Romney is a man of action and he is a conservative, Republican. He will fight for traditional, American values as president. And he will lead to multiple reforms here at home. And, he will lead the fight against the Islamofacsists with every thing in the American arsenal. He will not accede to international concerns.
I urge all Republicans to NOT PAY ATTENTION TO THE DDBMSM AND VOTE On Super Duper Tuesday for the next president of the United States, MITT ROMNEY.

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