Sunday, January 27, 2008

Straight Mealy-Mouth Talk

In this final weekend before the fateful Florida Republican primary, Sen. John "F--- You" McCain is continuing to lie about former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney calling for a timetable to withdrawal American troops from Iraq.
And, of course Sen. "F--- You" McCain is even doing some, oh flip-flopping on the "comprehensive immigration reform" bill-scam. Now, the erstwhile senator from Arizona has "Heard the American people" and is for border enforcement first, then granting amnesty to 12 to 20 million illegal aliens. Oh yes, and we can have our G-- D--- fence too!
But, that is not all he is flip-flopping on.
Sen. "F--- You" McCain is now all in favor of making President Bush's tax cuts permanent. Oh, he does not want to talk about his votes against them. One of only two Republicans to vote no. But when "pressed" to defend his vote, he says that it is because they were not offset by budget cuts. That would be a good, and accurate answer. Except that what Sen. "F--- You" McCain had said is that he could not vote for tax cuts that "favored the richest Americans". Why, I thought I heard former North Carolina senator John Edwards. But, no it was Sen. "F--- You" McCain.
While it has been fun for the senator to stick it to fellow Republicans over the last seven years, always pontificating as if he is the oracle of truth and we just better sit down, shut up and listen, Sen. "F--- You" McCain is coming to a realization as the primary election season gets hot. He has to attract. . .REPUBLICANS! And, he can not run on a record that he currently has.
Oh, the current 2006 American Conservative Union rating for Sen. "F--- You" McCain is 65 out of 100.
While on the campaign trail, pretending to be the defense secretary, he touts on how he was the only one who advocated the current surge of United States troops in the Iraq theatre in the War Against Islamofacsist Terror. He goes way out of his way to berate former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Again, all but using the Democrat talking points. Somehow, I do not think most Republicans like the Rumsfeld bashing. Yes, he made mistakes, but if Sen. "F--- You" McCain was not so full of himself, he could just tout that he was one who thought that there should have been more troops sent to Iraq, period. But, no, he has to get a dig in on a fellow Republican.
There is an old Ronald Reagan quote that Sen. "F--- You" McCain has not heard recently. That is this, often called the eleventh commandment:
Thou shalt speak no ill of a fellow Republican.
It seems that it is all Sen. "F--- You" McCain can do.
It is not enough to bash fellow Republicans, but to out and out lie and have your surrogates do it as well is not going to gain any support, no matter how many late endorsements Sen. "F--- You" McCain gets.
Sen. John "F--- You" McCain likes to tout his "straight talk" but lately, it has been nothing more than mealy-mouthed flip-flopping. And, unlike Mitt Romney who has admitted to changing his mind, Sen. "F--- You" McCain hopes Republican voters never know that he is "changing his mind".

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