Wednesday, January 09, 2008


I have one thing to ask those of you who worry that a Sen. John "F--- You" McCain coronation is being forced on us by the DDBMSM and some "conservative" pundits and talk show hosts.
It is time for those of us, many coming of age in the age of the great man, Ronald Reagan, to stop the insanity now.
We are conservatives. We have seen the success of the Republican party since Mr. Reagan wrested control from the moderates and liberals in the 1980s. How do you think that we eventually gained congressional control and enjoyed it for 12 years? Not on the blood, sweat and tears of Sen. "F--- You" McCain. It was because people got tired of being taken for granted.
Just remember the last time a moderate was forced on us.
Remember 1996? We got Bob Dole. A great patriot but one of those who went to Washington as a conservative and became part of the elite that got into "process" and "compromise". So, Mr. Dole won the Republican nomination and ran one of the worst campaigns in modern Republican history. Only because of the strong dislike of then President Clinton did Mr. Dole manage to get 40% of the national vote. And only win 16 states.
We were told then that only Sen. Dole could mount a serious challenge to President Clinton. Some serious challenge.
And here we go again. And, on a lot less evidence that Sen. "F--- You" McCain really could win. This is all based on one win in New Hampshire. Nothing more. And we are told that Mitt Romney should just get out now. So, his Iowa-New Hampshire strategy did not work. He is a smart man. He can retool the approach. There is no reason he should leave. Nor should Fred Thompson. He has a chance to win in South Carolina. Oh, but the Rev. Mike is leading big time there in the polls. Well, as Sen Barack Obama how accurate polls are. Or Sen. Hilary Clinton.
We do not elect based on polls. If that was the case, there would have been some different presidents.
Why there would have been no President Bush had he taken the advice of the DDBMSM. He won Iowa and lost very badly to Sen. "F--- You" McCain in New Hampshire and badly in Michigan. But, in a much less fractured primary season, then Gov. Bush made an all out effort in South Carolina and won. And then won in Virginia. It was there that Sen. "F--- You" McCain went up against conservative Christians. But, to no avail. Mr. Bush went on to win, and win, and win. Sen. "F--- You" McCain got more and more bitter.
Here is the thing, fellow conservative Republicans, we need to stop with this "That candidate is not conservative enough." or "This candidate is not conservative enough". We need to rally around one of the conservatives left. I would encourage all to back Mitt Romney.
Mr. Romney needs cash and support. He can win Michigan, and if not, make sure that he is competitive all the way to Super Duper Tuesday.
Remember, Sen. Hilary Clinton proved that polls are not always accurate. Do not buy that Sen. "F--- You" McCain is already up nine percent in Michigan. Of course he is. After all, he did win in New Hampshire. Polls can fluctuate and have this whole election season. Who would have thought that the Rev. Mike Huckabee would be in the thick of the race at this point?
It is up to us to stop this stealing of our right to choose our nominee. Stand up to the DDBMSM and coalesce around Mr. Romney.
And here is another thing. If Mr. Romney wins Michigan and starts winning and gets the Republican nomination and should win the White House, he will be able to thank conservatives by giving us a conservative justice or two on the supreme court. On tax reform. And, really fight the Islamofacsist terrorists.
To Mitt Romney, JUST SAY NO! Do not let the DDBMSM drive you out!

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