Monday, November 26, 2007

Good Lord, Archbishop Of Canterbury

The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev. Rowan Williams, is the spiritual leader of worldwide Anglicanism, and the Episcopal Church of which I am a member still, for now, is part of the Anglican Communion. But, that does not mean Archbishop Williams knows what he is talking about when it comes to the foreign policy of the United States as evidenced in an interview with an Islamic "lifestyle" magazine.
Archbishop Williams said in the interview that the United States wields its power worse that the British did during the height of the British empire. Archbishop Williams said that the United States was "clearing the decks with a quick burst of action that led to the worst of all worlds."
Where shall we begin? How about Britain during the heyday of the empire. Shall we start with a little battle called the American Revolution? Why did Britain fight the colonists for six years with brute force? How about the war with the Boers in South Africa at the turn of the 20th century. It was during the Anglo-Boer war that the term "concentration camp" first came to being. And how about the way that Britain left their colonies in total disarray starting with India in the late 1940s to Rhodesia in 1980 which became Zimbabwe and a hell on earth thanks to Robert Mugabe?
It seems like the old British empire had no problem to use force when they thought it was necessary.
It appears that Archbishop Williams forgets that the terrorist attacks against the United States on 9/11 were caused by Islamic fanatics hell bent on creating a modern Caliphate. For Archbishop Williams continued that American leadership had broken down and that the United States was the only hegemonic power and that its attempt to influence rather than take over by force was not working.
The reason it may not be working is when people like the Archbishop Williams are loathe to criticize the extremism of certain Islamics. Archbishop Williams fails to point out the horrors of the Taliban in Afghanistan, the monstrous abuse of women in most Islamic nations. No, Archbishop Williams finds time to praise the praying five times a day as allowing the remembrance of God in their daily rhythm of prayer. What Archbishop Williams should have asked is what are they praying for, or against.
And the harshest criticism of Islam? Is that its political solutions were not the most impressive. Not impressive? How about abysmal and downright abominable?
No, Archbishop Williams saves the best slams for the United States. A direct quote:
The chosen nation myth of America, meaning that what happens in America is very much at the heart of God's purpose for humanity.
Maybe it is because American Christians are always seeking to know what that is and the people of Britain have given up because the Church of England is led people like Archbishop Williams who do nothing to expand the faith. Maybe it is because American Christians have a better understanding of the Holy Bible and are trying to liberate a people that have been prisoners of circumstance through no fault of their own.
A point of note.
Former Prime Minister Tony Blair nominated Rowan Williams to succeed George Carey. And the Queen Ok'ed it. Mr. Blair is on his way any day now to becoming a Roman Catholic. And what better way to sabotage the Church of England by having a sycophant, defender of Islam at the expense of the Christian faith? No conspiracy theory, just a question.
Archbishop Williams may preside over the collapse of the Anglican Communion and this solidifies the fact that he may very well be in over his head. Archbishop Williams should stick with Christian spirituality and leave the heavy lifting of liberating the oppressed to the United States.

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