Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Baca, Hilton, Sharpton. . .The Three Stooges

I am sorry, but I must comment on the Paris Hilton jail saga.
Firstly, I for one am glad that she was sent back to jail. For all too long, Miss Hilton acted like a spoiled, rich brat. Miss Hilton was crying out for tough love and all she got were enabling parents, especially her mother. Well, jail is a very tough place and shows no love, but that is what happens in the end to people like Miss Hilton. She may have cried "Mommy!" last Friday, but no one, not even the sheriff of Los Angeles county, Lee Baca, could save her.
And, speaking of Mr. Baca, he has acted like an incompetent boob throughout this sordid affair. Mr. Baca was personally involved in letting Miss Hilton go home with a large ankle bracelet and serve her sentence at a palatial mansion. According to all involved, Miss Hilton is "suffering" a medical condition apparently very top secret. What is it? A contagious disease? Hives? A bad monthly? No one will say, which is a bad sign. Mr. Baca is NEVER that involved in run of the mill shortening of sentences.
Oh, and here is a news flash. Many people are processed at the County Jail Twin Towers, but go home that night and are given time served. That has been going on for many a moon and it has not changed.
So, as Mr. Baca is getting himself more dirty in this affair, who rears his ugly head but the racist of the year, the "Reverend" Al Sharpton. It just does not get any better than this.
"Reverend" Sharpton actually flew out here to Los Angeles, but had a meeting with Sheriff Baca. A meeting? He should have been arrested right there by Mr. Baca himself! And why is the "Reverend" Sharpton interjecting himself in this affair? Well, because of course he sees this as not only a bad action because Miss Hilton is rich, but because of course this would never happen to a black American. Please, "Reverend" Sharpton! Get a clue! As noted above, people are processed, released and given time served, even though they never spent but a few hours as a guest of the county of Los Angeles. Are blacks and other minorities treated differently? Probably, but not because of race, because they do not have access to the best lawyers money can buy.
So, will this three-ring circus ever end?
Yes, but we will be subjected to these three stooges for a long time to come and that is the tragedy of this situation.
I, for one, wish they would all just go away. . .


Pat Jenkins said...

good post big 64, we can always count on al to root out justice, can't we!!

Frasier said...

Good post !
I too thought it was not a matter of race or color of skin but all about how heavy your wallet was !!