Tuesday, January 24, 2006

God Bless Canada

God bless Canada for having the wisdom and courage to finally give the Conservative party the chance to govern!
In national elections yesterday, the Conservative party, led by incoming prime minister Stephen Harper, won the majority of seats in Canada's House of Commons and will form the next government.
It will not be a outright majority, but it will be a test to see if Canada within the next two years is willing to go all the way and give the Conservatives the outright majority.
The anti-Conservative Canadian media was no help, and may have infact helped the Liberals in the end from getting totally obliterated. But when you look and the map of Canada this morning, it looks more like the United States in the infamous blue/red state phenomenon.
It is good for America, but more importantly it will be good for Canada to be led by a leader that wants to lead Canada into the 21st century. The Liberals, like our Democrats, are relics of the past and as they were in Germany last year being tossed out in favor of change.
Prime minister-elect Harper will lead a rejuvenated party while the Liberals will slash and burn to find meaning in the outcome.
Here is a clue.
Stop taxing people to death. Stop stacking the judiciary so that when you can't pass controversial legislation, they will come in like Snidley Whiplash and force what you can't win at the ballot box. Respect the inititives of the individual, not the state.Treat you constituents like you work for them, not the other way around.
Come to think of it, maybe the Democrats can learn this as well!
Well done Canada, well done!

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