Wednesday, December 28, 2005

What President Bush Should Do in 2006

Since President Bush will get plenty of advice from friend and foe, I will offer what I think he should do in 2006.
1) Iraq:
Mr. Bush should stay the course and get the Iraqi armed forces trained and ready to take up protecting the country. He should not cave into bringing the troops home before the job is done. Only bring home some troops if events warrant it.
2) Energy:
If there is not a reason to drill through limited drilling in ANWAR, then there is no time. As radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt ( has said, it is an issue of national security. Unfortunately, some Nervous Nellie Republicans, who worry more about what the New York Times will say, are thwarting getting this off the ground. If they do not get it, maybe a defeat at a party primary might get through to these people.
3) The budget and taxes:
They go hand in hand. Again, sometimes it is the self-flagellating Republicans that cause more trouble than the suicidal Democrats led by Dr. Howard Dean. Now more than ever Mr. Bush must push through real budget cuts, maintaining the tax cuts and begin real tax reform.
4) The elections:
Nationalize it! Make it a referendum on the Democrats. Make them come up with plans and defend them. It is not, as Dr. Dean has implied, a plan that will come when they get it together. No sir, you have to have a core belief and run on it. It is how Republicans run and win elections.
I think it is time to see the muscular President Bush, not the get along President. It is the last chance before 2008 rolls around for the President to make a lasting impact. Lets faxe it, it all will ride on Iraq and it will be where all else rolls. Mr. Bush needs total victory in Iraq and will get victory in everything else.

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